Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
Feb. 7, 2024

This Is Your Superpower To Make You Magnetic To Money

This Is Your Superpower To Make You Magnetic To Money

In this episode, discover how a gratitude practice acts as a powerful accelerator in manifesting abundance and success.

When was the last time you practiced gratitude?  A daily gratitude practice may not seem essential, but it has the power to bring about the abundance and success you’re craving.  If you've been looking for practical steps to align with your purpose and attract more prosperity in your life, this episode is for you!  


  • Why establishing a gratitude practice is an accelerator for manifesting
  • The reason consistently generating grateful energy opens you up to receiving more abundance 
  • How to infuse your day with gratitude and what you will experience as a result  

The answer to manifesting your dreams and creating a life of abundance is closer than you think!   

Resources mentioned:
Gratitude Practice for Success

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Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS


Ep #5: This Is Your Superpower To Make You Magnetic To Money

Welcome to the Make Money Living Your Purpose Podcast. I'm
Prosperity Coach, Karen Powell, and this is the podcast for heart
centered leaders, innovators, and creatives who dream of leaving their
nine to five to pursue their passion project, but don't know where to start.
I'm sharing my proven process that will help you heal your money
mindset and figure out your own unique purpose in life. Let's go.

Hey there, welcome back to the show and thank you so much for
listening. If you're enjoying the show, I hope you'll leave a five-star
review and make sure you've clicked the follow button so you don't miss
a thing. In the last episode, I shared my signature tools and process. for
manifesting anything you want.

Now, listen, if you didn't catch it, you definitely want to have a listen
because what I teach in that episode is going to change your life. And
quite frankly, today's episode will too, because I'm talking about a
superpower that you possess that you probably don't even realize that
you can use to magnetize yourself to money, love, good health, your
dream job, your soulmate, you fill in the blank.

It's magnetizing to whatever you want to create in your life. It's available
to you in abundance, and you can tap into it anytime you like. It's your
manifesting superpower, and I'm going to tell you what it is in just a

So we just came out of a big renovation of our house in Windhoek,
beautiful, sunny Windhoek, Namibia. And we actually had to move out of
the house completely and stay in a flat not far from here for five months.
But we would go to the house almost every day to check up on things
and see the progress and catch anything that wasn't quite the way we
wanted it. And I'd see these guys, these laborers, working really hard in
the hot sun, pushing wheelbarrows, making cement, just a lot of manual

And one day I'm at the grocery store and I see this big box of cinnamon
donuts. And I'm like, Oh, this would be great to give to the workers for
their tea break. I'll do this every Friday as a little gesture from us. So I
buy two big boxes of these donuts. And I give them to the foreman who
would pass them out at the tea break.

But the guys all see me carrying the donuts, so they know I've brought
the donuts in, right? So the next day, we do our site visit, and everyone's
working away. And I say hello, like I always do. And while we're there,
not one person expresses any appreciation for the donuts, like not one
thank you. Now, it's fine.

It's not a big deal. I didn't do it so I would be thanked, okay, I did it just as
a gesture. But what's so interesting to me and the point of my story is I
didn't feel any fuel or inclination to do it again. It kind of fell flat for me.
Whereas before I was like, Oh, this will be my Friday thing, you know,
donuts for everyone.

And now I was like, uh, whatever. Maybe they didn't like them. The
feeling inside me was they probably didn't enjoy them. So why should I
buy them again? Maybe I shouldn't. There just was no feeling that this
was something they wanted. So the feeling in me to do it again
disappeared. And look, I could be totally wrong. Maybe they loved them.
Maybe they did appreciate them. But here's the thing. I had no way of
knowing because no one expressed any appreciation to me. So I
assumed, whether it was right or wrong, that they wouldn't want them

So now let's go to my housekeeper, Sieglinde. My former housekeeper,
she's retired now. I'm constantly editing my house, constantly
decluttering, releasing what I no longer need or want. And I would
always first ask Sieglinde if she wanted some of the stuff, and she would
always say, Everything is welcome, Karen. I appreciate everything. And
then she would send me texts later thanking me for the things I gave her,
and how much use she or her friends or family are getting out of them.

She would often send messages saying, Thank you for all the things that
you and Ivor do for me and my family. I appreciate you so much. Well,
do you know what kind of feeling that generated inside of me? It would
ignite a feeling of even more generosity towards her. I loved giving her
stuff. I always felt so fueled to think of her first, whenever I had
something to give away, because she expressed that she appreciated it.

So there was no question in my mind if she wanted the stuff or not. She
told me. She expressed it to me. I didn't have to try to assume. Does she
like it? Does she not? Can she use it? Should I give it to someone else?
She made it very clear that she was grateful that I thought of her. And
that gratitude that she expressed very simply generated more
abundance for her. Literally just the simple fact that she said thank you
fueled me to give her more.

Now let's think back to the donut story. Had even one or two of those
guys come up to me and said, Thank you for the donuts, I would have
felt fuel to keep giving. But because there was no gratitude energy being
sent my way, I felt no fuel to give.

I want to make it clear that I'm not judging right now. Okay, truly, it's not
about right or wrong. I mean, it could have been a cultural thing,
whatever. It's just about the way I felt. I didn't feel any impetus, or I don't
know what's the word, inclination, to keep giving. I'm just telling these
stories to demonstrate the potential energetic power that sits inside the
simple act of expressing gratitude.

So what does this have to do with your manifesting practice? Well, first
of all, manifesting is a practice of aligning yourself with the energy of
receiving. That's it. It's not actually about creating something. That's the
way most people present manifestation as creating what you want. But
really what's actually happening in manifestation is the thing is already
there and you're just opening up to receiving it through the practice of
being clear on what you want, being clear on the feelings you want to
have with this manifestation, and putting yourself in a state of mind that
sees you already having this thing. These steps all create an alignment
inside of you or a frequency inside of you that matches the frequency of
it already being done.

So then life or the universe, whatever, must deliver it to you. So now add
in the frequency or energy of gratitude, and you are supercharging that
whole vibe, if you will, you know, whatever you want to call it, a vibe, an
alignment, a frequency. And the frequency of gratitude is exactly the
same frequency as “It is done”. It's already happened, and I like it. I'm
happy about it. I want more of it. So life mirrors that, and it's done. It's

Remember, what you focus on expands. Very simple universal law. So if
you're focusing on lack, not having something, something being
impossible to have, guess what you're expanding? More lack, more not
having, more impossibility. But when you focus on something as if it's
already there, and feel the feelings of it already being done, you expand
that very thing into existence. So, think of a gratitude practice as an
expander, as an accelerator. Think of it as jet fuel for the things you want
to bring more of into your life.

When you think about your success or lack of success with manifesting
what you want in your life, you might be thinking it has something to do
with you or your deservability. Well, maybe I don't deserve to have a
million dollars. Maybe I don't deserve to have true love. Maybe I don't
deserve to have more freedom or ease in my life. This is a common
belief of lots of people. They think what they can and can't have in life is
tied to whether they deserve it or not, whether they've done enough or
been good enough or whatever.

So maybe you've tried to do all the right things and be the good person,
but you're still coming up short with creating the life you really want. Or
maybe you're following a manifesting practice to the T, but things still
aren't materializing. And you see other people creating, or should I say
receiving, amazing things, and you just don't understand what you're

So let's take the Vision Board tool as an example. Vision Boards are
great. I love them. They're great tools for helping us to visualize, to feel
emotion, to clarify what we want. They get us partway there. But the
mistake I see all the time is that people look for all the pictures of the
stuff they want, slap them up on a big piece of cardboard, and then
never look at it again.

And maybe expect some, some fairy to deliver the order. Manifesting
works because of the thoughts you generate with your brain, the feelings
you generate with your body, and the scenarios you generate with your
mind. It's all about energy, and when you use the energy of gratitude
within your manifesting practice, you accelerate your results because the
energy of gratitude aligns exactly with the energy of receiving.

So do you have a gratitude practice? What does it look like? But more
importantly, what does it feel like? Maybe you keep a gratitude journal
and you write a few things down every day that you're grateful for.
Fantastic. But when you're writing, are you also feeling and generating
the energy of gratitude?

What about carrying the energy of gratitude around with you throughout
your day? How do you think that would feel? What do you think that
would change in your life? What if you infused the energy of gratitude in
all kinds of different ways throughout your day? What do you think would
happen when you mix that with the thoughts about the things you

If you said speed things up drastically, you're right. Gratitude is an
accelerator. And remember, the frequency of gratitude is the same
frequency as receiving. So if you're consistently generating grateful
energy, your manifesting becomes more consistent. You don't just get
that one thing, you start receiving consistently, on repeat.

Oh, and also, by the way, generating gratitude just feels really good,
right? The benefits spill over to so many different areas of your life, just
shifting your focus to what you can be grateful for, rather than what's
lacking in your life or what the problems are in your life. Your
experiences are going to shift drastically.

I remember some years ago, I had this big list of stuff that I needed to
get done around the house. And we used to have this huge chalkboard
in our kitchen and I would just keep adding to this list for my husband.
And at the top it said, to do, it's like this huge to do list. Now you can
imagine what kind of vibe that created for my husband when he would
walk by it.

I mean, honestly, I think he just started to ignore it. And let's just say it
also didn't really create any harmony in our relationship. But one day I
had the genius idea to change the name of the list from TO DO to
THANK YOU. That's all I did. I erased TO DO and I wrote in THANK
YOU at the top as if THANK YOU was the name of the list.

I didn't say a word to my husband about it. I just left it there just like that.
And honest to Pete, guess what magically started happening? My
husband just started to do the stuff on that darn list. One by one until
they were done. I'm not lying to you. It was so cool. I didn't predict that
that's what would happen. I honestly was just trying to put the focus on
the fact that I appreciated him. And whenever he got around to doing
that stuff, I was grateful.

So I've got some really cool little gratitude things that I do with money,
too, and manifesting money, which I'll share with you in future episodes.
So you've got to stay tuned into the Make Money Living Your Purpose

This is a journey we're on together, and step by step, we're creating
more abundance and prosperity in our lives. We're clarifying our
purpose. We're putting the foundation in place for making the kind of
impact we want to make in the world. And we're doing it all with really
simple tools and action steps.

This podcast is not just about ideas for you to soak up, but also small
action steps for you to take as we move along. One small step at a time
gets you there. I promise. So if you love the idea of manifesting faster
and on repeat, then you're going to love my online program, Gratitude
Practice for Success.

I teach you my signature manifesting process and I walk you through a
eep six week gratitude immersion. It's very unique and incredibly
powerful. You're going to be amazed at how this way of just honing the
energy of gratitude puts you into a completely different vibration or
alignment. It's the exact same frequency as receiving. So when you're in
that frequency, you must receive. What you're focusing on with gratitude
must manifest. You can get full access to the course right now and start
manifesting immediately today. So go sign up at

In the next episode, I'm going to show you, are you ready for it? How to
manifest money out of thin air. Yeah, let's do that. I have some crazy
stories for you. And by the way, All of my stories are true. I've actually
had people tell me they didn't believe some of my stories until they
experienced some crazy manifestations for themselves. And I look at
them like, so you thought I was lying to you, like actually lying to you. I'm
so offended, but whatever. I get it. Some of my stories do sound
unbelievable sometimes, but that's what's so great. We can do
impossible things.

When you heal your money blocks and step into your life's purpose, you
become a force for good in the world. Thank you so much for being here
with me, and I'll see you next time.

If you're ready to start creating the lifestyle of your dreams, I want to
invite you to join GPS, my Gratitude Practice for Success Program,
where you'll learn my unique and proven manifesting process. It's
simple, it's powerful, and it's already helping hundreds of people go from
thinking their dreams were impossible to making them happen quickly.
Whether you want to manifest your dream home, your soulmate, a brand
new career, living your life's purpose, or even financial freedom, it's
yours to claim now. Just head over to, and I will show
you how.