Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
Feb. 7, 2024

The Easiest Way To Manifest Anything

The Easiest Way To Manifest Anything

Get ready to transform your life with the simplest and most effective manifesting process. 

If you've ever felt frustrated with manifesting and wondered what you're missing, then today's podcast will unlock the secrets to manifesting anything effortlessly.

In this episode, I'm sharing the tools and techniques that have consistently brought success in manifesting my dreams, and how you can apply them to make a positive shift in your life too.

I'm sharing:

  • The one tool that will simplify your manifesting process
  • How to use essence words to connect with the emotional aspect of your manifestations
  • Key visualisation techniques to help you manifest 
  • The significance of affirming sentences, and the key affirmation to use for best results
  • How synchronicities play a role in bringing unexpected opportunities and support your way

Resources mentioned:
Free training: The Ultimate Manifesting Method

Connect with me on Instagram: @karenc.powell

Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS


Ep #4: The Easiest Way To Manifest Anything 

Welcome to the Make Money Living Your Purpose Podcast. I'm Prosperity Coach Karen Powell and this is the podcast for heart-centered leaders, innovators and creatives who dream of leaving their nine-to-five to pursue their passion project but don't know where to start. I'm sharing my proven process that will help you heal your money mindset and figure out your own unique purpose in life. Let's go! 

Hey there. Today's episode is going to change your life. Seriously, if you implement what I'm teaching today your life is going to seriously change for the better. So we just got back from the coast, we had an awesome time, the weather was fantastic. I took so many walks on the beach, read magazines, and just chilled, play ping pong played games.  

My sister was visiting from the States and she brought the board game Trouble. Like she had the actual one that we played as kids, and we kind of got addicted to it, it was hilarious. It's where you pop the little dice thing and move around the board and send people back to start. It's just a simple, mindless kids’ game. So fun.  

We were at the beach house that I manifested. And this is what I want to share with you today. The tools and the process that I've used to manifest so many things in my life over the years. And what I love the most about it is of course how simple it is because I thrive on simplicity, but also how reliable and consistent it is. I've been using my signature tool, the Sacred Circle, and my unique process for decades now. And it really hasn't changed much. It's got the essentials in there and no extra fluff added.  

The title of this podcast episode is The Easiest Way To Manifest Anything. And what I'm going to teach you today is so simple. It's easy. It's fun and it's so effective. There are so many different manifesting tools and techniques out there and maybe you've tried some of them before. Maybe you've done vision boards before and maybe got a few things to manifest from there. Or maybe you do affirmations, but you're not sure if you're doing them right. Or maybe you feel like you're just missing something when it comes to this whole manifesting thing. 

I think we all get excited when we get that perfect close parking space, but then wonder why doesn't it always happen? Or why can't you manifest bigger things like your dream home? Or your life partner, or your new career or the upgrade to business class?  

So you've read The Secret, I'm sure, or watched the movie. You've googled How does manifestation work? You've made your vision board. But you're still wondering what you're missing. Or if this is all just a bunch of BS. So by the end of today's episode, you're going to have all the missing pieces. And you're going to start manifesting all the things you've been dreaming about, okay? Your frustration ends today. Are you ready? 

The reason you're manifesting hasn't worked quite the way you've wanted it to, is because your focus hasn't been on what's most important for manifesting. It isn't necessarily the tools you've been using but rather the way you've been using them. In my process, we use three tools and a concise, focused daily practice. That's it. That's all you need to open up the floodgates to receiving what you want.  

I think it's really important to keep your practice simple, because the minute things get complicated we just stop doing them, we stop engaging, we kind of freeze and just give up. So as soon as things start feeling overwhelming or complicated, know that what's really needed is simplification.  

Let's go through the three simple tools that I use in my manifesting process. The first one is the sacred circle. This is my signature tool that I developed. It's a firm favorite with my clients. It just feels so good. All you do is draw a large circle on a piece of paper, write the thing you want to manifest in the center of the circle, and then write down the characteristics of that thing that you want to manifest, all around also on the inside of the circle.  

I'm going to give you a full example of this in a minute. But first, we'll go through the three steps and I'll explain the process. And then I'll give you a concrete example, which is going to help you see this even more clearly.  

Okay, so the second tool is what I call essence. Essence is the feeling that you want to feel when you have the completed manifestation. Because here's the thing, the only reason you want to manifest anything is because you want to feel a certain way with that manifestation.  

For example, if you want to manifest your life partner it's really because you want to feel loved and cared for, right? If you want to manifest your dream home it's really because you want to feel peaceful and enjoy the beauty of it. You want to feel safe and secure. If you want to manifest a trip around the world, maybe it's because you want to feel adventure or excitement or expansion.  

So can you see how whatever it is you want, you want it because you're after the feeling or feelings that it will help create within you. Those feelings are what I call essence words. So you would write the essence words inside the circle, as well. And that's the essence tool. And again, I'll give you an example of how to use that in your manifesting practice in a minute.  

All right, the third tool you've probably heard of and used before and that's visualization. This is just the practice of thinking about something and creating pictures in your mind about it. It's actually taking your mind to a place where there's a completed version of your wish.  

Now, some people find visualizing really easy and others find it difficult to conjure up those pictures in their mind. So please don't worry, if you're someone who finds it difficult to create pictures in your mind, we've got a workaround for that, that works perfectly. And that is just describing with words what you would want your manifestation to look like.  

Okay, so those are the three tools I use for manifesting anything. My signature tool, the Sacred Circle, Essence, which is the feeling or feelings that are driving your desire, and visualization, which is creating a completed version of your wish in your mind. Now let's put all those things together within my simple process.  

The first step is reading from your Sacred Circle and creating affirmative sentences in present tense, describing or articulating your wish. The second step is reading the essence words and creating affirmative sentences in present tense, describing how you'll feel. And then the third step, which is happening at the same time as steps one and two is picturing the manifested wish. And then at the end of the focus time, releasing it and letting it all go with the sentence: This or something even better comes to me now.  

I think the best way to bring this all together for you is with an example of a client of mine who wanted to manifest a new job, actually a whole new career altogether. Her name is Linda. She had been working in community development in Namibia and wanted to do something in tourism, but also environmental research. So this is how she used my manifesting process to manifest an incredible job in the Seychelles managing an ecotourism project, working with the endangered leatherback turtle.  

So she drew a large circle on a piece of paper. She wrote in the center something like My Dream Job. Then she filled in some aspects or characteristics of what her dream job would look like. And I just prompted her with questions like, What do you love to do? What interests do you have? Who do you like spending time with? What's your favorite way to dress? How much money do you want to make? If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? So I kind of asked her questions about lifestyle, what's her ideal lifestyle? 

She wrote inside the circle things like tourism, research, save an endangered animal, wear a white lab coat, look through a microscope, white sandy beaches, warm turquoise water, X amount of money. And then she added essence words into the circle. I don't remember exactly her essence words, but they might have been words like peaceful, fulfilled, happy, challenged, freedom, impactful, purposeful.  

So then I instructed her to look at her circle before she went to bed at night, as well as first thing in the morning. And while she's reading what's inside her circle, creating affirmative present tense sentences, and picturing herself inside this manifestation, living this manifestation. I also remember telling her to say the sentence, This is me. Because this was really a wish to create an entirely new lifestyle for herself.  

Her articulation process might have sounded something like this: My dream job comes to me now. I'm working with tourists and enjoying teaching them new things. I'm helping to save an endangered species. I love looking through a microscope while wearing a white lab coat. I live in a warm climate with warm turquoise water and white sandy beaches. I make at least X amount of money doing work I love.  

And by the way, she put an amount in there, I just don't remember what that amount was. So have an amount like a minimum amount if you're wanting to put an income in there. Just have at least, I make at least X amount of money doing work I love. I feel so peaceful, fulfilled and happy. I do work that feels purposeful and challenges me. I make a positive impact in the world. I feel free to be myself This or something even better comes to me now.  

She did this little practice before going to bed at night and when she woke up in the morning. Now you don't have to do it twice a day just once a day is absolutely fine. But pick a time when you're feeling relaxed, when you have some privacy and it's a quiet, peaceful space.  

And then the last part of the manifesting process is to just take small steps in the direction of your dream and to be open to synchronicities and hidden support. And what I mean by synchronicities is sometimes out of the blue, something will happen that feels really coincidental and supportive. So for example, with Linda, she came to our next coaching session with an email she had received out of the blue from someone she knew but hadn't heard from in a long time.  

It was an opening for a job in the Seychelles. Remember the white sandy beaches and warm turquoise water? Managing a research project on the endangered leatherback turtle. Remember saving an endangered species? The job description included working in the laboratory. Remember she said she loved wearing a white lab coat and she loved looking through microscopes?  

And it also included interfacing with tourists who were staying at a nearby lodge, and this turtle project was one of their optional day trips that they could take. Remember she said she loved being around tourists? So receiving that email out of the blue that held her dream career – and dream lifestyle quite frankly, is a beautiful example of synchronicity.  

Synchronicity is unexplainable. It's unpredictable in that you can't summon it up when you want it. But it's predictable in the sense that when you start engaging in a manifesting process such as this one that I've just taught you, then supportive coincidences begin to happen. These synchronicities move you forward. They move you closer and closer to your manifestation.  

So yes, Linda ended up getting the job. She moved to the Seychelles and she was working to save the endangered leatherback turtle. She sent me photos of her with the turtles and with the tourists she was interacting with through the project. Just amazing. The turquoise water in the background.  

I actually have so many stories like this, my own included, which I'll share in a future episode. And I can't wait to hear your stories too. Because I know for a fact that you are able to manifest whatever it is you want to manifest. It's not just for some people. It's your birthright too.  

So please send me your stories of what you're manifesting with the Sacred Circle and my process. You can DM me or tag me on Instagram @karenc.powell. You can also download my free training called The Ultimate Manifesting Method. This explains my manifesting process in a little more depth and also has some more examples of specific things that you might want to manifest like a beach house or your soulmate. So just go to and click on the free training tab at the top to get instant access to this training.  

In the next episode, I'm going to show you a superpower that you probably don't even realize you have. This superpower supercharges your manifesting ability and when you know how to use it, it magnetizes you to things like more money, more freedom, better relationships, and more fulfilling work. So be sure to tune in. 

When you heal your money blocks and step into your life's purpose. You become a force for good in the world. I'll see you next time.  

If you're ready to start creating the lifestyle of your dreams, I want to invite you to join GPS, my Gratitude Practice for Success program, where you'll learn my unique and proven manifesting process. It's simple, it's powerful, and it's already helping hundreds of people go from thinking their dreams were impossible, to making them happen quickly. Whether you want to manifest your dream home, your soulmate, a brand new career living your life's purpose, or even financial freedom, it's yours to claim now. Just head over to and I will show you how.