Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
Feb. 7, 2024

Sneaky Ways Your Money Mindset Is Ruling Your Life

Sneaky Ways Your Money Mindset Is Ruling Your Life

Do you feel a conflict between your creativity and money?

In this episode we're uncovering the sneaking ways your money mindset might be ruling your life and holding you back from going for your dreams.

Tune in and consider what becomes possible when you heal your internal blocks.

We'll be covering:

  • The link between creativity and money mindset and how it may be stopping you from living your true purpose
  • 5 ways your lack mindset may be ruling your life
  • The effects of allowing money blocks to rule the choices you make
  • Gaining awareness of the deep-seated beliefs influencing your money mindset and how they may be holding you back from abundance and prosperity

Resources mentioned:
The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Money On Purpose 

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Ep #2: Sneaky Ways Your Money Mindset Is Ruling Your Life 

Welcome to the Make Money Living Your Purpose Podcast. I'm Prosperity Coach Karen Powell and this is the podcast for heart-centered leaders, innovators and creatives who dream of leaving their nine-to-five to pursue their passion project but don't know where to start. I'm sharing my proven process that will help you heal your money mindset and figure out your own unique purpose in life. Let's go! 

Welcome to episode 2 of the Make Money Living Your Purpose podcast. If you didn't catch episode 1, go download it and listen to it after you finish this one because I shared the real reason you're not living your purpose yet. And I can guarantee you it's not why you think. The steps I share in that episode are going to get you unstuck like you've never gotten unstuck before. So go have a listen.  

I've been a creativity coach for over two decades now helping people to unblock their creativity so that they can start doing the things that light them up, doing their passion projects, writing their books, creating their businesses, having their first art exhibition, manifesting stuff like their dream home, and their life partner, and all kinds of things. And something I stumbled upon, which was so fascinating to me, was that one of the biggest and I mean maybe even the biggest block people have to owning their own creativity and connecting with their own creativity is money.  

My goodness, their money mindset. The way they think about money, the way they think money stops them or prohibits them from following their dreams. So for the past 20 plus years, I've been facilitating groups through The Artists Way, which is a book and method by Julia Cameron that helps people unblock their creativity. And I'll talk more about The Artists Way in future podcast episodes because it changed my life and changed the lives of hundreds of people I know, but for now I just want to share that whenever we would get to the part about money something would happen in every single group.  

That was really interesting to me. So many different emotions would come up. Sometimes there would be tears. Sometimes people would get into arguments about money and their views about money. This is just a very hot topic within the topic of creativity. So I started to notice this pattern and became really fascinated with what was going on inside people's belief systems around money and having money and earning money.  

And I could see how a lack or poverty mindset about money was causing really lovely heart-centered people who wanted to make a difference in the world, not go for their dreams. And that really bothered me, because I knew it was an internal block and not a fact of reality. And that if people could heal their internal blocks, they could allow money to flow more freely in their lives, and in turn feel confident to go for their passion projects and create the things that really mattered to them.  

So this led me to create my signature program Money On Purpose, which helps people connect to their passion project and purpose in life, and release their money blocks so they can experience prosperity, and money flow while living a lifestyle that they love. So not getting trapped in the belief that you have to work in jobs that are soul sucking as the only way to make the money that you need to live.  

And this is what I want to help you with today so you can see and become aware of how your own money mindset is ruling your life. How what you believe to be true about money is actually keeping you from first of all, having more money and secondly, keeping you from living your true purpose, keeping you from doing the work that you would most love to do. So what are some of those sneaky ways your money mindset is ruling your life? What are some of the ways your money mindset is keeping you small and under earning?  

I've got five ways I'm going to share with you right now and I want you to see if any of them feel even the slightest bit true for you. Because your mind might hear it and say, Oh, that's not good, I don't do that. But if you were really honest with yourself, you might see how that mindset does sneak in and take hold sometimes. And that's enough for it to rule your life, to influence what you believe to be true for yourself. It's enough for it to influence what you do, or don't let yourself do, what you create or don't let yourself create. Because our thoughts and beliefs create our experience, both for the positive and the negative.  

The first sneaky way your mindset about money is ruling your life is believing I can't make money doing what I love. This belief or way of thinking, which is your mindset, is literally causing you to be unhappy. It's creating a reality for you that pits you against your true nature. Your true nature is to express yourself in your own creative ways, which inherently are joyful. So when you have a belief that says, I cannot be joyful, while I'm earning money, you will keep yourself in a job or career that sucks the life out of you. 

Okay, the second way your mindset might be ruling your life for the worse not the better, is having the belief that if I have more, that means others have to have less. This is the belief of a finite pie and that we're all fighting for a piece of it. So with this mindset or belief, you will continuously sabotage yourself every time you start earning more or more money comes into your life. You'll get rid of it quickly, and you'll feel the urge to pull yourself down anytime your star starts rising.  

Number three, you say things like, I don't want to be rich, I just want enough money to take care of my family. Now this mindset or way of thinking closes you off from serving others. When you think I just want enough to pay the bills, go on vacation once a year and provide the essentials for my family, your sphere of impact and influence closes in very tight. But if you think about the kind of impact you'd like to make in the world, how you can help others with your unique gifts and passions and skills, imagine how much more you could do for others.  

If you had an overflow of money and abundance, imagine how much easier it would be for you to do the kind of work you'd love to do, or create the kind of projects you'd love to create if you had an abundance of money and resources. Saying I don't want to be rich, I just want enough for my family closes you off from that extended impact for good that you could be making in the world.  

The fourth way your money mindset might be ruling your world is that you feel irritated or stressed out while paying your bills. Generating a feeling of stress while you're paying your bills closes you off to prosperity. When you're irritated you are constricted, you're closing off the flow, you're blocking the flow. So next time you pay for something or next time you're paying your bills, see if you can generate a feeling of gratitude for the ability to pay for that product or service. See if you can generate a feeling of gratitude, even just for the access to that product or service and for what it brings to you in your life.  

I'll talk more about manifesting money using the power of gratitude in future episodes, but for now, start experimenting with simply feeling grateful for the exchange of energy between you and what you are purchasing. 

And then the last way I've got for you today, and by the way, there are lots more ways that we block our prosperity with our mindset, but the fifth one is you feel jealous or envious of other people's success and wealth. You judge others for having a lot. This kind of judgement mindset holds you in a pattern of poverty thinking and poverty thinking cannot create wealth and abundance.  

When we put others down for their success, we block our own success. But when we decide to celebrate others’ success, we give ourselves permission to also have success. This is something that I love about the Money On Purpose community is that we celebrate each other's successes and growing prosperity. We feed off of that energy. And know that when we acknowledge the success in others, we acknowledge the same in ourselves.  

So did you catch yourself with any of these sneaky ways that your limited way of thinking about money is ruling your life and keeping you from the abundance and the prosperity that you deserve to have? Have you gained some awareness about how these beliefs are keeping you from sharing your special gifts out into the world? Just getting some awareness today is going to help you start making some changes.  

But don't beat yourself up if you can't quite shake these beliefs. Some of them can go really deep. In fact, you might even be feeling a little emotional right now. The way we think and the beliefs we have can be very deep within us and tied to a place that's trying to keep us safe. So this is so normal and we all have these places within us. So some of your mindset changes will take more than just awareness. They'll take a deeper healing. And I show you how to do that in Money On Purpose if you want to join us on the next journey.  

But in the meantime, do some journaling around the feelings that have come up for you today. You might be amazed at where some of the stuff is coming from. So be gentle with yourself. Be honest with yourself and open up your mind and heart to healing the things that have been holding you back. You deserve to have abundance in your life. You deserve to be doing your beautiful work in the world and earning good money for it.  

Thank you so much for joining me for another episode of the Make Money Living Your Purpose podcast. Subscribe to the show by clicking the Follow button and come on this journey with me each week, stepping closer and closer to living your purpose and releasing your money blocks. Please share the show with your friends and leave me a five star review. This really helps others find the show so we can all learn the steps to living the life we were meant to live.  

When you heal your money blocks and step into your life's purpose, you become a force for good in the world. I'll see you next time. 

If you're ready to start creating the lifestyle of your dreams, I want to invite you to join GPS, my Gratitude Practice for Success program, where you'll learn my unique and proven manifesting process. It's simple, it's powerful, and it's already helping hundreds of people go from thinking their dreams were impossible, to making them happen quickly. Whether you want to manifest your dream home, your soulmate, a brand new career living your life's purpose, or even financial freedom, it's yours to claim now. Just head over to and I will show you how.