Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
Feb. 7, 2024

Loving Words Of Encouragement For You

Loving Words Of Encouragement For You

In this episode, receive the words of encouragement and support you need when feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by life's demands.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, how can you find relief and reconnect with yourself?  You deserve the same loving words of encouragement that you’re so quick to give to others, and this is exactly what I’m offering you today.  

If you’ve been feeling run down, exhausted, or disconnected from yourself, this episode is for you. So make yourself a cup of tea and let's connect for ten minutes. 

Listen as I share:

  • Why it’s essential to give yourself grace when you’re feeling overwhelmed, and acknowledge that you’re doing your best 
  • How to reconnect with and nurture your own needs, passions and dreams
  • The hidden gifts we receive from the challenges we face 
  • Reassurance that everything is going to be okay

Tune in now for the encouragement you need to find rest, reclaim your purpose, and live a more fulfilling life!   

Resources mentioned:
Money On Purpose community
Gratitude Practice for Success program

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Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS


Ep #7: Loving Words Of Encouragement For You

Welcome to the Make Money Living Your Purpose Podcast. I'm
Prosperity Coach, Karen Powell, and this is the podcast for heart
centered leaders, innovators, and creatives who dream of leaving their
nine to five to pursue their passion project, but don't know where to start.
I'm sharing my proven process that will help you heal your money
mindset and figure out your own unique purpose in life. Let's go!

Hey there. So I've just got some loving words of encouragement for you
today, because, you know, sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our
own lives, constantly going all the time, doing all the things, taking care
of everyone else, handling everything that comes up at home, at work,
being a good friend, trying to be a good parent, trying to be a good
spouse, and sometimes it can feel like you're drowning in a great big

So today I just wanted to tell you that I see you. Sometimes we just need
someone to tell us that everything is gonna be okay. That we're doing
the best we can and that that's enough. So sometimes when I get into
my own creative cave, as I call it, I'm just head down, working through
tasks, getting things done, not sure if what I'm doing is even any good.
And that can be a really lonely place.

Or if I'm going through a rough patch in my personal life, and I just tend
to keep to myself and not necessarily reach out to anyone. But
sometimes I do wish someone would just call me and say, Hey, you're
doing great. Keep going. Everything's going to be okay. And actually, I
do have friends who do that. And it makes such a difference. It's
somehow just lightens the load a little bit.

So what I wanted to do with this podcast episode today is be that phone
call to you, be that friend who sees you working through what you're
working through and calls at just the right time when you needed it the
most. So I have some loving words of encouragement for you that I hope
will help you with whatever you're dealing with right now. And I hope,
even already, right now, that you're feeling seen and supported.

Sometimes when I'm laying in bed at night, doing my gratitudes before I
fall asleep, I'll say a prayer for everyone and anything that is suffering in
that moment. I'll pray for some kind of relief for them in that moment.
Some kind of peace. I just say, let everyone who's suffering right now
feel a wave of relief or hope or love wash over them. Let them feel seen
and connected to something outside of themselves. Let them know that
they're not alone. That there is someone in this world right now who is
thinking about them and sending them love.

And then I visualize my thoughts traveling from my heart and connecting
with someone who's suffering and feels like they're alone. That they feel
some kind of connection and that someone is thinking about them. And I
know that's a tall order, but I do it anyway. It feels good to me. It actually
creates connection for me, whether it does for anyone else or not, I don't
know. I mean, just my emotions right now, you can tell it just, it creates
some kind of a connection that just feels really important and beautiful to

So here we are together right now, you and me, and I felt inclined to
connect with you today and offer some kind of relief, some hope, just
some love. At some point, we all go through really tough challenging
times where you feel like you're just spinning your wheels, you're doing
so much, and every time you finish one thing, another one pops up,
feeling overwhelmed with too much responsibility, and you're trying to
hold it all together.

I see you doing your best, wondering if it's good enough, and I just want
you to know, it's more than good enough. It's exceptional. You're
exceptional. The demands that keep rolling in at you, sometimes they
feel like they just will never stop. And you might feel like you're way out
in the middle of the ocean with no boat, no life vest, all alone, having to
do it all yourself. And not only doing it all yourself, but wondering if you're
even doing it right.

The thing that's going to help you the most right now is that you ease up
on yourself. See if you can release those big expectations you have for
yourself. Those came from someone else long ago, and they're not
serving you.

They're exhausting you, and when you're exhausted, your depleted
energy can't help anyone. So listen, it's time to give yourself some grace.
Give yourself a break. Take a deep breath with me right now and let it go
slowly. Let's do another one. Deep inhale. Long, slow exhale. Relax your
neck. Drop your shoulders. Picture the weight of the world lifting off of
your shoulders and dissolving into thin air.

And now turn your attention to you. Turn inward and give yourself some
credit. Let's acknowledge you for all you do. For all you've done. It's a
lot. Do you realize how much it is? You've done a lot, and it's amazing.
Can you muster up a feeling of pride and appreciation for yourself? Take
a minute to acknowledge yourself.

What would the space you're in, the circumstances you're in, look like
without you? Just look at all you've contributed into that space, that
environment, your family, that project. You are incredible. Well done. And
now acknowledge what you're needing right now. You spend so much
focus and energy on the needs of others outside of you that you forget to
see what you need.

So let's take a minute to see what you need. Do you need a break? Do
you need an assistant? Do you need a massage? Or some time away?
How much time away would feel good to you right now? Something you
could maybe do right now is take a nap. Or if it's already evening time,
go to bed early. Things are always heavier at the end of the day, you'll
feel lighter and fresher in the morning.

And then when you're feeling a little more rested, I want you to think
about what you're interested in. How would it feel to connect with your
interests and your dreams? Has anyone asked you lately what you
dream about doing or being or having? Well, I'm asking you now, what
makes you come alive? What's important to your heart?

What makes you feel excited and curious? These things are important.
They're so important that they're not going to leave you alone until you
do something about them. They're there in your heart because they're
for you. They're waiting for you to connect with them. And there's no
rush, no pressure. Just know that you have gifts inside of you that you'll
unwrap one day.

But for now, you are doing amazing. You are a force to be reckoned with.
You really can be proud of yourself. You're going through a lot right now,
and you're going to get through it like you've come through everything
else. Stronger, wiser, and more discerning. Every challenge heals us just
that bit more, strengthens us just that much more, and also helps us see
what we really want in our lives.

So connect with that, because you deserve that. You deserve to have
what you want in your life. Take time in your day to connect with your
dream, because when you do, it starts to come alive. I'm sending you a
great big hug. So much acknowledgement for who you are and all you're
going through, and I want you to know that you're doing amazing and
that everything is going to be okay.

So whether you're in my Money on Purpose community, or you're in my
GPS program, or maybe we're connected on social media, or maybe you
just Googled or went into your podcast app and searched “loving words
of encouragement” to see if anything would pop up because that's what
you're needing today. 

I hope the fact that you found this gives you hope, gives you some kind of proof that you're not alone, that when you need a little support and encouragement, there is a benevolent supportive energy that will connect you with what you need. Whether it's a podcast or a book that jumps out at you at the bookstore, or a friend calling you
out of the blue. You're not alone. You are seen and everything is going to
be okay.

If you know someone who's going through a tough time right now, send
them this episode. Maybe you'll be the one to show them they're not
alone. And if you found this episode helpful, please leave me a five-star
review and let me know what you think of the show so far.

Thank you so much for being here. Let's keep moving along together on
this journey of healing our blocks, stepping into our purpose. And
becoming forces for good in the world. I'll see you next time.

If you're ready to start creating the lifestyle of your dreams, I want to
invite you to join GPS, my Gratitude Practice for Success Program,
where you'll learn my unique and proven manifesting process. It's
simple, it's powerful, and it's already helping hundreds of people go from
thinking their dreams were impossible to making them happen quickly.
Whether you want to manifest your dream home, your soulmate, a brand
new career living your life's purpose, or even financial freedom, it's yours
to claim now. Just head over to and I will show you