Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
Feb. 7, 2024

6 Easy Ways To Attract Money Into Your Life Right Now

6 Easy Ways To Attract Money Into Your Life Right Now

What would your life look like if you could attract money on repeat?  Maybe you’ve tried manifesting money in the past and haven’t had success.  

Attracting abundance is possible for you, and in this episode, you’ll learn six specific ways to manifest more money now.  

By the time you finish listening, you'll learn: 

  • How to adjust your thoughts, words, and energy in order to shift your relationship with money       
  • Why the energy of gratitude is crucial for manifesting more abundance into your life
  • How releasing stagnant energy from your life attracts money and prosperity  

Implement these strategies and watch money and goodness flow into your life.  

Resources mentioned:
Money On Purpose program

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Ep #6: 6 Easy Ways To Attract Money Into Your Life Right Now 

Welcome to the Make Money Living Your Purpose Podcast. I'm Prosperity Coach Karen Powell and this is the podcast for heart-centered leaders, innovators and creatives who dream of leaving their nine-to-five to pursue their passion project but don't know where to start. I'm sharing my proven process that will help you heal your money mindset and figure out your own unique purpose in life. Let's go! 

Hey there, welcome back. I am so excited for today. Today we're going to talk about attracting money into your life right now. Yes please. I've got six specific ways that you can do this. Some are energetic, so using your energy, your focus, your mind, your thoughts to attract money. And a couple more are physical, practical ways to attract money right now.

So something for everyone. You might be someone who loves the energy side of things like me. I love using my mind to create stuff. I'm a huge fan of ease and flow and I've learned over the years how to use my thoughts to create my life. And then there are some people who really love the doing, the practical side of things. There's no right or wrong, there's only preference. But you're also going to learn on this journey with me that the two actually work really well together. 

So many years ago when I was first learning about all this manifesting stuff and money mindset stuff, I was working with a coach. I would call her a prosperity coach, although I don't think that's a term that she used to describe herself. But anyway, she gave me this exercise to do which I remember I thought was just plain bonkers. She told me to repeat this affirmation throughout the day: Large sums of money come to me now in perfect ways. 

Now, like I said, I was very new to all this new energy/ vibration/ law of attraction stuff, and I was sceptical. I didn't understand any of this stuff yet but I had been reading books about it and I was intrigued. So anyway, I was game to try it. I was open. I was curious, and I was needing money at the time, so I was like, okay what do I got to lose? Large sums of money come to me now in perfect ways. Large sums of money come to me now in perfect ways.

I wrote it down 10 times a day in my morning journaling. I said it out loud when I was alone in my car in traffic. I said it silently to myself throughout the day. And I remember going through different emotions as I said it and thought it throughout the day. 

At first it felt silly, to be honest. It felt ridiculous. Then I felt sadness, thinking, yeah right, never gonna happen. Not for me, that's for other people. And then I remember feeling angry, like why is it only for other people? Why not me? And then eventually just kind of neutral and curious and open. And then really, I just stopped thinking about it and was just busy with my life and what was going on at the time.

But then one day, a friend of mine, hands me $10,000. And I'm like, what the hell? And they go, you know, I just really feel like giving this to you. No strings attached. I don't want you to pay it back. It's a gift. I really just want you to have it and do whatever you want with it. Now, maybe six months earlier, I would have absolutely refused that money. But since working with a coach, I was learning how to open up to receiving, open up to allowing myself to let others help me, to let life help me. A

And I looked at that stack of money and I looked at my friend and just went, Thank you. Thank you so much. I don't know what to say. Thank you. And I realized in that moment that I had literally attracted money out of thin air. I hadn't asked my friend for it. I hadn't mentioned I was doing those affirmations. I didn't say a word about it. It just, something happened and that day opened me up to a whole new world of creating abundance in my life. 

And when I say abundance, I don't just mean money. I mean money, love, peace, fulfillment, freedom. When I started to release the blocks that said I have to do it all myself, I began allowing all kinds of hidden support that was just waiting for me. And now I teach these tools of creating abundance to others. And I have countless stories of my clients using these tools to manifest money and abundance in their lives.

All right, so let's get into six ways that you can attract money into your life right now. The first one is Be impeccable with your word. So if you've read The Four Agreements, that's going to sound familiar. That's a book about creating personal freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz. Be impeccable with your word is the very first agreement.

And this concept is really the foundational tenet for manifestation. And that is that your word is powerful, so be very careful and specific on how you use it. In the four agreements, it says, quote-unquote: Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity, say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. 

So when you want to use your word to attract money into your life, use words that carry the energy of that. Such as, Large sums of money come to me now in perfect ways. Now, things to stop saying and never say again after today, please, are things like: I can't afford it. That's too expensive. I'm broke. 

Because what we focus on expands. Our words and our thoughts carry energy. So be very discerning or impeccable, as Don Miguel Ruiz says, with the words you use. Now remember when I was using that mantra from my coach, Large sums of money come to me now in perfect ways. Remember how it triggered lots of different emotions inside of me? This is part of the healing work that comes with creating and manifesting. 

There are limiting beliefs within us that get triggered and need to be healed and released in order for us to allow what we want to come in. I teach how to do this in my Money On Purpose program. It's a process that you move through, that you allow your emotions to move through. And it's really an incredible healing process that unfolds when you start to connect with these new beliefs that you would like to have in your life. New beliefs that serve you rather than block you and keep you stuck. 

All right, the second way to attract money into your life right now is to nurture your relationship with money. So how would you describe your relationship with money? Or does that even sound like a weird question to consider? Does it seem strange to think of having a relationship with money? But when you start to see that you are in relationship with your money, you can start adjusting your thoughts, your words, and your energy around money.

And when you do that, your reality will start to shift. Think of ways you like to be treated in a relationship. With care, with respect, with kindness. You like to be appreciated. You like to be spoken to in kind ways. Now think about the ways you talk about money. Do you talk about having a love-hate relationship? Imagine saying that about your partner. We've got a love-hate relationship. 

Or do you complain about never having enough? Imagine complaining to your partner or your best friend that they're not enough. In relationships, everyone wants to be respected and appreciated, right? What you give out comes back to you. What you focus on expands. So try this energetic focus of nurturing your relationship with money and you'll be surprised at the flow that opens up for you. 

The third way to attract money into your life is to use the energy of gratitude. This goes along with nurturing your relationship with money. And I've got a very specific practice that you can start right now that really packs a punch. And that is when you pay your bills, do it with gratitude. 

So what is your energy when you're paying your bills normally? Are you stressed? Do you hate bills? Do you find yourself feeling bad or stressed out when you're paying your bills and only focusing on the money that's going out and feeling bad about that, but not feeling anything about what you're getting in, not on what’s going out in exchange? 

Because money is just an uncomplicated way to help us exchange value, we should appreciate that function. So try this. Next time you're paying your bills, whether it's with online banking, or I don't know, does anyone write checks anymore? Or even just swiping your card at the grocery store or handing cash over to the cashier.

Conjure up a feeling of gratitude for the exchange of value that you're getting for your money. Feel appreciation for the goods or the service that you're getting for your money. So what I do when I sit down to pay my bills, when I do my online banking is, I relax myself, maybe make a cup of tea, and then I have this shiny gold cardboard heart.

I don't know where I got it, I think I just cut it out of something, and I put that heart next to my laptop, and I start making my payments. And that little heart reminds me to feel gratitude while I'm paying my bills. I conjure up the feeling of gratitude for the ability to pay my bills. I conjure up the feeling of gratitude for what I'm receiving in exchange for my money. 

And with each bill I pay, I'm saying thank you. Thank you for my cell phone and the ability to connect with others using my phone. When I pay for my internet, Thank you for my fast internet connection. I'm so grateful for that amazing service. Thank you for my accountant. I'm so grateful there's someone who does my bookkeeping and taxes for me.

And nearly every time I swipe my card or tap it, that's even more amazing, isn't it, just paying something with a tap of your card, I love it, I say a silent thank you. Thank you for all of this food I'm able to buy. Thank you for these new clothes. Thank you for the ability to pay for the things that I need and the things that I want.

Creating this kind of energy flow is an incredibly powerful manifesting hack. Using gratitude when you're doing something you'd like more of, creates more of that. So when I focus on feeling grateful for the ability to pay my bills, the ability to pay my bills expands. When I focus on feeling grateful for what I receive in an exchange of my money, I attract more to receive. So try this simple practice and then please tell me what happens. I love it. 

Okay, the fourth way to attract more money. And that is to put some money into circulation. Buy something, use money, release it, exchange it for value, give it away. Money's role is to circulate. It's called currency for a reason, like a current in a river. It flows, it moves. It circulates. 

Are you only thinking about one side of money and that is how to get it in or are you playing your part in the movement of money? One really powerful way to open up the flow of money to you is to pay someone else for something you wish others would buy from you. So for example, if you're an artist, buy something from another artist.

If you own a small local business, go buy from other small local businesses. I'm a life coach and I love hiring other coaches to help me with my big projects. What you give out comes back to you. Think about what you'd like to come into your life and then go give that out to someone else. 

The fifth way to attract more money into your life right now is to release stagnant energy. So like I just explained how money's role is to move and circulate, if you have stagnant energy around you, put it into motion. For example, do you have a bunch of stuff in your garage that you don't use, that you'll never use, but you could sell? There is potential value in that stuff, but it's stagnating when it's just sitting there.

So look around you. There's value all around. Is there something that's not being used that's just sitting there stagnating that you could exchange for money? Can you put that energy into motion? We renovated our house last year and we had to pack up and move out completely. And I told my husband, I'll pack everything up because I wanted to physically get my hands on every single thing we owned and just get rid of as much stuff from the last 25 years as I could that we didn't need. 

So I gave away a lot of stuff. And then I had a sale in my studio and sold actually quite a bit of stuff. And all that potential money energy had been sitting right under our noses stagnating. And it felt so good to give it all new life in new homes where it could be enjoyed by other people who needed it or wanted it.

Okay, the sixth way I'm sharing today that will attract money into your life right now is to make an offer. Offer some kind of value. What skill do you have that others would find value in? What are you good at? What are you interested in? Come up with some kind of value that you can offer someone else. Put a price on it and offer it. 

If you're a good cook, maybe cooking lessons. If you can play the guitar, maybe guitar lessons. If you're an artist, produce a piece of work and offer it for sale. If you're a coach, create a coaching package and offer it to your community. If you're a fitness buff, create a fitness program and offer it to your friends or colleagues or to your social media contacts.

A couple years ago, I hired someone to walk with me for one hour, three mornings a week. I paid them to show up at my house at a specific time and just be my walking partner. I just wanted accountability and consistency, whereas just asking a friend to do that, it just wouldn't have worked. It's too easy to call in excuses on both of our sides. But when I hired someone, it just got done and that was very valuable to me and I was more than happy to pay for it.

So there are endless ways that you can create value and offer it out into the world. Just start small, and then that will help you build confidence in yourself. In my Money on Purpose program, we dive deep into finding your own unique life's work, your purpose, that thing that is the vehicle for you creating positive impact in the world. 

Whatever that is, it has incredible value to others, and people want to pay you for that. But we need to package it up and offer it out into the world. And that's not always easy, I know, but the value you put out into the world comes back to you expanded. 

All right, which one of these are you going to do first? Are you going to play with your energy and use your mind and thoughts to open up the flow of money into your life? Or are you going to take a bold action to attract money to you? Or how about a bit of both? How about a combo platter? 

I am sincerely so grateful that you listen to the show. I'd love to give you a shout out on Instagram if you're listening. All you need to do is post a selfie of you listening to the show and tag me @karenc.powell and I'll repost it to my stories.

And I'm curious, when do you listen to the show? When you're driving? When you're folding laundry? I listen to my favorite podcasts when I'm washing the dishes or I'm on the treadmill at the gym. I'd love to see where you are when you're listening to the show so I can picture us hanging out, just having a conversation.

All right. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you got lots of inspiration to help you open up to the flow of more money and goodness in your life. Because when you heal your money blocks and step into your life’s purpose, you become a force for good in the world. I'll see you next time.

If you're ready to start creating the lifestyle of your dreams, I want to invite you to join GPS, my Gratitude Practice for Success program, where you'll learn my unique and proven manifesting process. It's simple, it's powerful, and it's already helping hundreds of people go from thinking their dreams were impossible, to making them happen quickly. Whether you want to manifest your dream home, your soulmate, a brand new career living your life's purpose, or even financial freedom, it's yours to claim now. Just head over to and I will show you how.