Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
Dec. 31, 2024

57. Unburden Yourself From The Shoulds

57. Unburden Yourself From The Shoulds

It’s that time of year when we start to focus on our goals and desires for the new year ahead. Fresh starts can be exciting. They hold so much potential energy and positive expectation. But don’t let yourself get bogged down and stuck in the “should” energy that can get in the way of your authentic goal-setting.  

Today I'm sharing my personal ritual of how I close off every year before setting my new goals for the new year. And then I share my perspective on why it’s empowering to unburden ourselves from prioritizing the things we think we “should” do, over the things that we genuinely desire doing.

It’s time to get the clarity you’re longing for, by trusting in your deeper truths.