Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
Dec. 3, 2024

53. Creating True Self-Protection

53. Creating True Self-Protection

One of our biggest needs on the unfolding path to our creative recovery is to feel safe and protected as we navigate our way through the unknown. But some of your go-to ways to numb out discomfort are actually working against you and hindering your progress.

Today I shine a light on some of the ways you might be creating the illusion of safety along your journey, and how they are keeping you in a holding pattern. And then I share some ways you can self-protect that will help build a strong foundation of real safety and protection that enable you to break free of your comfort zone and move gracefully into the zone of real growth. 

I show you the sneaky ways your brain tries to distract you from taking creative risks, and how to connect with your intuition so that you can learn to trust your true inner guidance.

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