Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
Feb. 7, 2024

3 Pillars For A Life Of Personal Freedom

3 Pillars For A Life Of Personal Freedom

Whether you want to transition from work you don't love, find a meaningful relationship, or create an entire lifestyle that reflects the true, authentic you, you'll need a strong foundation to hold it all in place.

In this episode, you're going to learn the three pillars that not only build a life of freedom, but sustain it too.

Listen as I share:

  • The true definition of personal freedom and the three pillars you need to build it
  • How to recognize recurring patterns and blocks that are keeping you from your ideal life
  • The importance of healing blocks at their roots in order to live a life of true freedom
  • The role that intentionality plays in manifesting your dream lifestyle 

Tune in now to discover how to make your dreams of personal freedom a reality.

Resources mentioned:
Money On Purpose waitlist

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Ep #8: 3 Pillars For A Life Of Personal Freedom

Welcome to the Make Money Living Your Purpose Podcast. I'm
Prosperity Coach Karen Powell and this is the podcast for
heart-centered leaders, innovators, and creatives who dream of leaving
their nine to five to pursue their passion project but don't know where to
start. I'm sharing my proven process that will help you heal your money
mindset and figure out your own unique purpose in life. Let's go!

Hey there. It's so good to see you back here again. Today we are talking
about creating a life of personal freedom. There are three parts, or pillars
really, if you think of pillars that hold something up, for transitioning from
work you don't love to a life of personal freedom. And today I'm going to
share what they are and how you can implement them.

Now, I have a million stories from clients who have used my three-part
process to transition from being unsatisfied in their lives to feeling like
they've hit the lottery. From being in boring corporate jobs to starting
their own coaching businesses or creating their passion projects. From
being unlucky in love to finding their true love. From feeling like they
were in a downward spiral to creating an entire lifestyle that reflects who
they really are in their core.

And I will interview some of them on the podcast in future episodes. So
definitely stay tuned for those stories in the not so far future. And when
you hear from these amazing people, you're going to see yourself in
their stories. And even though every story is completely unique, what
they do have in common is every one of them stepped into a supported
process that carried them and directed them and informed them and
healed them.

The transformation from where you are to where you want to be doesn't
just happen. There are specific pillars that need to be in place in order to
support the huge energetic transformation that is being called upon. So
today I'm going to go through exactly what those pillars are so you have
the overview, like the bird's eye view of what it really takes to not only
make a big change in your life, but also what it takes to be able to be at
the new destination.

You know, it's kind of like we've all heard about the lottery winners who
go bankrupt after a couple of years, after winning this huge amount of
money. They haven't energetically adjusted to the new circumstances,
so they kind of boomerang back to where they were before. And what I
love to teach people, and what's laid out like a super detailed roadmap in
my Money on Purpose program, is the whole process. All the pieces for
sustained happiness, sustained prosperity, sustained freedom and

So when you reach your destination, you're not boomeranging back to
where you came from. You've acclimated to your new elevation. You
know, like those who climb Mount Everest, they acclimate along the way,
or is it acclimatize? Acclimate, acclimatize, sorry, I don't even know
which, what's, which is the right word. You don't just sprint up the
mountain, you make sure that you have everything you need to sustain
you on the entire journey, as well as at your destination.

So let's get into the three pillars for creating a life of personal freedom.
And personal freedom, whatever that looks like to you, right? For me, it
was getting out of corporate, becoming a life coach, helping people to
get their own creativity out of their head and into the world, and frankly,
just getting paid to be myself. Doing what I love, living where I want to
live, in Africa, and spending my days the way I want to spend them.
That's my personal freedom. What's yours?

So as we go through these pillars, think about your own version of what
personal freedom looks like to you. And then picture yourself erecting
these pillars. Pillars around you setting up all the support that you need
to create this fantastic life you're dreaming of.

All right, let's get into it. Number one is build your foundation, building a
strong foundation to support your journey as well as your destination.
This is so important and probably the thing that you might not have done
in the past when you tried to make a change. And that's why the
boomerang effect. You know, when you have a strong foundation in
place that supports everything you build on top of it, then you get to stay
put and grow with the foundation.

So what makes up a strong foundation when building the life of your
dreams? First and most important, clarify what you want. So this is what
we call your Ideal Money On Purpose Story in my Money On Purpose
community. You'll be surprised how difficult this step actually is. If I ask
you what you want you're going to tell me what you don't want, or you're
going to say you don't know, or you're going to give me a very watered
down version of what you or your heart really wants. Guaranteed one of

This part takes a lot of coaching with people. For some reason, we don't
allow ourselves to go to the highest place for ourselves. We water things
down, or we focus on what we don't want, or we insist that we just don't
know what we want. But you do know what you want. And what I coach
people on is getting to the nitty gritty of what you really want. And it's
only then that you can start the journey to getting there.

And now the reason that it's so important to not water it down is because
you need the highest vision of yourself that you can muster, the highest
vision you can muster up to take you to the internal places where you
are limiting yourself.

And this is where you meet your blocks because you cannot create a
higher version of yourself without healing the places that have kept you
from that version. This includes gaining awareness of how your
upbringing has produced many of the limiting beliefs that you operate on
today. Now this stuff is tricky on your own because you'll convince
yourself that you've worked through stuff.

“Oh, I've worked through that. I've worked through that. I've worked on
that. I've been there, done that. I've moved on.” And this is the biggest
thing that keeps people from making the kind of money they could be
making, doing the kind of impactful work they could be doing, living the
freedom lifestyle that could be theirs. It's thinking you've already done
the healing work, when really, the stuff that needs to be healed has just
been pushed deeper down.

Okay, next important part of building your foundation is, no surprise here,
good self care, which in turn helps you make a stronger connection with
your intuition. Intuitive guidance is a very important factor in the journey
to your life of freedom. And with strong self care comes stronger intuitive
guidance. It becomes like dialing in your destination on your GPS
system in your car, and just being told where to turn next, step by step,
until you arrive at your destination.

And this also includes learning about the law of flow and letting yourself
live from a place of less efforting and more allowing. So this is the ease
and flow that you'll hear me always talking about, living in a state of
more ease and flow. This is our natural state when we take off the blocks
and limitations that say we have to work hard. We have to fight for our
survival. So building your foundation includes embracing an easier way.
And that's not easy for a lot of people. It's a whole new concept to
consider allowing life to be easy.

Okay, let's move to the second pillar for creating your life of personal
freedom. And that is the actual healing process of your blocks and
limiting beliefs. A lack money mindset plays a very big role in why most
people don't go for their big dreams, their true purpose, actually doing
the thing that could be making the biggest difference and impact in
other's lives. So healing your money mindset is a very important
component of the overall healing process. And when you heal your
money mindset, you open up to everything else in your life too.

So just as an aside and I'll do a whole episode on this in the future is that
we discovered after just a few rounds of the Money On Purpose journey,
that a side effect or side benefit from healing your money blocks is,
believe it or not, finding your true love. Allowing love into your life.

One after the other, stories of this started coming out from our
community, and I'm like, what was happening? And it makes sense
because you're opening up the flow of energy, whether that's money
energy, health energy, the energy that delivers your unique gifts and
purpose, or love energy. It's really all the same, and when you open up
the flow of one, you open up the flow of them all.

Okay, so one of the most useful things for healing our limiting beliefs is
to become aware of our recurring patterns. I call these the gold mine of
the soul. Knowing what to do about your recurring patterns sets into
motion an incredible natural healing process. I've named this process
the Spontaneous Integration Healing Process. And this is something that
when you have the right tools and foundation and timeframe, this
process actually moves through you releasing very deep-seated blocks
and limitations.

We use the VYS Connection Method to facilitate that release. The VYS
is your very young self. And there is a process for moving you through
deep layers that are not accessible with just your everyday awareness
and consciousness. And my method helps you to bypass places that are
otherwise locked up and not easily accessible for healing.

But it's this deep layered healing that is the difference between going
back to your old patterns or forging new pathways to living your life of
freedom and prosperity and purpose. So the healing process, healing
your blocks and limiting beliefs from their roots, not surface level stuff,
but deep actual real healing so that you don't boomerang back to your
old ways.

All right, the third pillar for creating your life of personal freedom is the
creation process, the fun part. This is where you get to write your own
story, create your own life, create your vision for your life, connect with
that unique purpose of yours, and clarify the way that you want to make
an impact on others, whether it's in your family, your community, or the
whole world.

Learning how to use intentionality is like owning a magic wand. When
you learn the principles and tools of manifesting, your life becomes like
putting it in order and having it delivered on repeat. The thing that most
people don't realize about manifesting is that it goes hand in hand with
healing, healing your limiting beliefs.

And as you heal more and more, your manifesting speeds up and
continues to uplevel. It's an ongoing dance as I like to call it between
healing and manifesting and manifesting and healing. And when you
learn the dance steps, it can actually be quite enjoyable to engage with
the healing process because you know what's happening and why and
you know that your next big manifestation is just on the other side of
healing the next layer and it becomes so interesting and fascinating

So, these are the three pillars that are needed to work together to not
only build, but also sustain a life of freedom, a life of living your purpose,
living your dream lifestyle, making the impact that you want to make with
your life. And it's all possible. You get to decide, you get to engage or

Again, it's never about right or wrong here. It's only about choices in this
life. And the more information you have, the more confident you can be
about taking action in one way or the other. So start building on those
three pillars.

Number one, building a strong foundation for you and your life to sit on
and be supported on. Number two, move through a powerful healing
process that clears out and cleans out all the rubbish that you no longer
need, all the things that are blocking you and keeping you in a very
limited way of thinking, which in turn keeps you living a very limited life.

And then number three, the creation process, intentionally engaging in a
powerful creation process, where you do not water down your dreams.
You call forth the highest version of your biggest vision for yourself. And
this feels like such miraculous stuff at first, until you realize, wow, this is
the way life really works. I've just been in my own way. And now that I'm
out of my own way absolutely anything is possible.

So if any of this sounds intriguing to you, you're going to want to hop
onto the Money On Purpose Journey waitlist. And I'll put that in the show
notes so you can just click on that link and get on the waitlist, which is
going to give you even more information about how to use these three
pillars for creating your own lifestyle of freedom.

In the next episode, I'm going to let you in on a little secret that no one in
the self help/self improvement/healing industry talks about. And the
reason they don't talk about it is because most of them are trying to sell
quick fixes. And hey, we all love a quick fix. Except that in reality, there
are very few quick fixes, especially for what's most important in life. Let's
be honest, good things take time. How much time? 90 days to be exact.
So in the next episode, I'm sharing the magic of the 90 day container.
Definitely tune into that one.

Thank you so much for joining me today on the Make Money Living Your
Purpose podcast. I want to invite you to subscribe to the show by
clicking the follow button and come on this journey with me each week,
stepping closer and closer to living your purpose and making the kind of
money that feels like freedom.

And please share the show with your friends and leave me a five-star
review. This will help others find the show so that they can also start
living the life they were meant to live.

When you heal your money blocks and step into your life's purpose, you
become a force for good in the world. I'll see you next time.

If you're ready to start creating the lifestyle of your dreams, I want to
invite you to join GPS, my Gratitude Practice for Success program,
where you'll learn my unique and proven manifesting process. It's
simple, it's powerful, and it's already helping hundreds of people go from
thinking their dreams were impossible to making them happen quickly.
Whether you want to manifest your dream home, your soulmate, a brand
new career living your life's purpose or even financial freedom, it's yours
to claim now. Just head over to and I will show you