Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
May 15, 2024

24. Manifesting Without Money

24. Manifesting Without Money

No money? No problem. Don’t let the fact that you don’t have the money reserves to buy your dream house or to transition over to a more fulfilling career stop you from going for it.

Today’s big truth bomb is: It’s not a lack of money that’s stopping you from getting what you want. Say what now?

That’s right. Before you go tossing your big expensive dream in the bin because you “can’t afford it”, you’re going to want to listen to today’s episode. 

“I can’t afford it” or “I don’t have the money” are not the reasons you cannot have something. It’s time to turn this dead-end loop around and manifest whatever you want, even if you don’t have the money for it right now. 

You’re going to learn:

·       How protecting yourself from disappointment is costing you more than you can imagine

·       How two true-story “100% unaffordable” dreams manifested quickly, easily and crazy-affordably

·       Why you shouldn’t wait until you get the money in order to start manifesting what you want

·       The specific action to take that moves money out of the equation

·       Why you should never give up on yourself

I love hearing your manifestation stories! Tag me on Instagram @karenc.powell and share them with me. 


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