Today I’m joined by Money On Purpose community member, Jan Grobler. Jan shares his story of leaving a 12-year banking career to become a transformational coach, and how healing his money blocks helped him make “way, way more” money as a coach than he was making in his corporate job.
Jan explains how learning to understand the subconscious mind helped him to develop more trust in himself and his ability to create his new reality. And he describes how following your passion is like listening to your car's GPS system.
We discuss what it really means to love oneself unconditionally, and how accepting every version of yourself is crucial for your own healing. Jan shares his insights on what it takes to create a fulfilling, purposeful life that is in service to others. I can't wait for you to meet this amazing Force For Good!
Resources :
Jan’s website
Jan is also an author! Find his books on Amazon:
Get The Hell Out Of Your Own Way
Get The Hell Out Of Your Own Way Companion Workbook
The Power of Happy: Reprogramming Auto-Pilot Mode to Create A Life We Love Living
Recipes for Being: The Power of Seven
Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS
Ep #16: Leaving Corporate To Become A Life Coach with Jan Grobler
Welcome to the Make Money Living Your Purpose Podcast, I′m Prosperity Coach Karen Powell and this is the podcast for heart-centred leaders, innovators and creatives who dream of leaving their nine-to-five to pursue their passion project, but don′t know where to start. I′m sharing my proven process that will help you heal your money mindset and figure out your own unique purpose in life. Let′s go!
Karen: Hey there, welcome to episode 16. In today's episode and over the next several weeks I'm going to be interviewing members of my group program, Money On Purpose, so that you can get an idea of what the program is about, how it's transforming people's lives, how it's helping people to go from a lack mindset to a prosperity mindset, how it's helping people leave their corporate jobs and create their dream businesses, and how it's helping people heal their deepest blocks and manifest the lifestyle of their dreams. And the next live Money On Purpose journey begins in April, and I hope you'll join us for a truly transformational experience.
You are in for a treat today because I'm interviewing Jan Grobler from my Money On Purpose community. When you hear him speak you might recognize his deep, sexy voice from the trailer of the Make Money Living Your Purpose podcast. In the trailer, he talks about creating your own reality and about changing his lack mindset into a prosperity mindset. He says ‘Money serves me, I don't serve it.’
I just love it. And I can't wait to dive into this interview with Jan so you can find out more about how he changed his money mindset and how he exited a 12-year career in banking and started his own thriving coaching business. Welcome to the show, Jan. How are you?
Jan: Thank you so much Karen, I'm very well thank you, and thank you for that introduction, I really feel special being called Sexy Voice. Thank you so much, thank you! I agree, give them my number.
Karen: So to start, I would love it if you would introduce yourself and just tell us what you do, how you help people now, and then we can get into a bit about your Money On Purpose journey or whatever you want to talk about, you know, how you transitioned from a successful career in banking to becoming a coach and creating a very successful coaching practice. But why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself first to us?
Jan: I am just a human, a human with a dream, a spiritual being having a human experience, as I prefer looking at myself. And I have this very big dream, a dream that's so much bigger than who I could ever begin to imagine I could be. So, I'm a therapist and a coach and an author and all of that combined, different areas of coaching and I just love serving people and showing them their significance and helping them to heal their blocks in the unconscious mind. A passion for just serving people, that's who I am and loving my life, doing it every day for nearly five years now.
We almost hit the halfway mark, a year away from being halfway, if I compare my banking career with what I do now. And it's amazing, reflecting and reminiscing on the journey to get to this place. And thank you so much Karen, for having me. And it's such an honor and a pleasure to help people and inspire them on this podcast, and also inspiring them to go for their dreams.
Karen: I created the Money On Purpose program for someone exactly like you, Jan. When I think about, you know, successful career, but it's reached its sell-by-date and you have a purpose to fulfil, more meaningful work to do in the in the world, but you don't know how you're going to replace your paycheck if you leave your nine-to-five. And that was a real fear for you, I think I remember. And for me, I remember feeling that same way, just making really good money in my corporate job but wanting to change my lifestyle completely, but having no idea where the money is going to come from.
You've been doing this now, so you made that change, you made that shift out of corporate, making good money. I mean, a 12-year career in banking, you're successful, you're climbing that ladder. Did you have a fear of that where's the money going to come from? The fear of leaving the safety of a paycheck, or how did that go?
Jan: Oh definitely. Oh Karen, it was so big, it was such a big thing for me to leave that security behind and to just, you know, dive. It makes me think of the Major Arcana and Tarot, that zero card, the first card in the Major Arcana is the fool card, it's literally a jump. It's diving into and not having that comfort, that familiarity of I get paid next month and I just need to do my work from 8-to-5.
It's a massive fear and I've learned from that experience to trust, to trust that your gift, once you find your gift, once you find your purpose, your passion, that that very thing that keeps you awake at night thinking ′how can I fix this?′ and it goes bigger than just you and then you will dive. That trust fall.
One of my favorite singers is Pink, and when she brought out that song, I just listened to it over and over. I played it to speak out, so that people can understand that to change requires trust and we can only experience physiologically the other side of this change after we dove in. We have to decide to dive, and I had to do it. I just had to do it. I'll never forget I started with six clients doing one course, that was it. And it was scary but boy-oh-boy it's worth it.
Karen: You know what, I'm looking at my phone right now. I just grabbed it because I took a screenshot this morning of a little quote about trust that actually I had posted, I think it was, you know when things pop up from six years ago or whatever on Facebook or whatever, and I'm like, oh, I posted this about trust. And I think it's from Marianne Williamson, and she says, ′To trust in the force that moves the universe is faith. Faith isn't blind. It's visionary. Faith is believing that the universe is on our side, and that the universe knows what it's doing. Faith is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good, constantly at work in all dimensions. Isn't that beautiful?
Jan: Oh, so true and so beautiful.
Karen: How do we connect with that? How did you connect with that, with that faith of something bigger is working through me and something is calling me to do other work in the world. How did you trust that feeling and move from successfully making good money, knowing where your paycheck is coming from every month, to starting to, like you say, hold group sessions with people, starting to coach, get your coaching certification and say, no, I want to do this other thing that I don't know is going to be a success. I don't know if I'm going to make good money. I don't know if I'm going to make as much money. I remember you saying that to me, I don't know how I'm going to make as much money. And I believe you're making more money, if I remember correctly. But we don't have to get into that. Way more. Okay, way more! But you didn't know that, Jan, right? You didn't know you were going to be making way more.
Jan: Heh heh, way more. Way, way, way more.
Karen: So help us, how do we get to that place?
Jan: Well, I'd like to make it a little bit practical for people to understand because it's not just blind. You have to understand that your mind, your subconscious mind, is a powerful, powerful thing and that mind lives off of rules and paradigms, belief systems. It's very personal to us.
And so, if you understand the subconscious mind and you go and you reflect, then you'll see one of the rules of the mind is that it loves the familiar, and it hates what's unfamiliar because your brain does not have an imprint of where you're going, so it has nothing to check back into to say, okay, this is okay, it's safe, we can do it. Because I've never had my own business, I've never had the opportunity to run my business and to actually see what I'm capable of. I've never done it before.
Plus, I have this huge one block coming from poverty, you know, that my brain kept checking into. And all the mind does, its job is to protect you and to keep you safe, it will put up a fight. And so I had to go to that block, but in that moment I didn't know anything about the mind. I was completely oblivious to how it works and to what is happening, and I just had to have faith in the process. And all I had was this passion, this immense passion and desire to help people. It's all I wanted to do because for so long…
The back story of where I came from was depression, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, anxiety constantly, and a mask that I wore for many, many years. And then I discovered my own life and my own healing started to happen, and it was no longer subject to… it was, I'm the author of my own reality. Now I could create a reality that didn't serve me. I could also create a reality that makes meaning and makes a difference. And so I only had faith.
And I always say to my clients, you can have a perfectly well-working laptop, but if you don't plug it into the power, guess what? It will run out of battery power, and you can sit and swear at it as long as you want to, but it cannot work. I had to find a way to plug into my power source, and I encourage you to look for that part in you, to know that you're not alone, because that carried me through. And so, we don't have to understand the power, we can simply use it. It's available. We can plug and play.
Karen: Yeah, exactly. And I think to give something like you say, practical to people listening, you know when you say, oh, just have faith or have trust, or it will develop, whatever. Trust does develop as you trust more. But a good starting point, and this is where we start in the Money On Purpose program, too, is where are you right now?
Jan: Yes, correct.
Karen Powell: What is your interest right now? Everybody has that. Everybody has that starting point where you can connect with your passion. Like you said, you connected with your passion and from there, from that connection, life started feeding you more information and guiding you down a path. And so when people say, oh, but I don't know what my passion is, I don't know what I want to do, I don't know what my purpose is. And you don't have to know what the form is, but there is something inside of you, there's a feeling, like for you, what I understand from what you're sharing is that you had a passion to help people.
You had a passion to bring something of yourself to others, to connect with others. And that's very, I mean, how do you make a career out of that?! Who knows what ′that′ is and how do you make money out of that? But the thing is that it develops because you said, I have a passion to help people, and that is your starting point. That is such a, it sounds so simplistic, but that is actually the starting point, is to say what is living in your heart right now, at this moment.
Jan: Yes, thanks. Yes, yes, that's the simple gist of it. You know, again, making it simple to understand, if you go on a journey to wherever, you'll have a GPS in your vehicle, and you'll punch in, type in the destination, you'll type in where you want to go. And then that's your passion. Where do I want to go? I want to help people. That's simply what I said.
And I'm Christian, not religious, but spiritual. And I said to God, listen, for so long I've suffered. And suddenly I understand this, and there must be so many people out there that I could help just through my story. What can I do? And I want to help people. And so I typed in to the GPS the address. That's it. And then I started driving. And yes, sometimes the music was too loud or I checked out somebody next to the road or a tree that's beautiful and I missed a turn off, but guess what, there's an autocorrect in that system that says ‘recalculating′ and then it takes you back to where you need to go, and so those things happen on the journey.
But you know what? You only hear the next prompt when you are quiet enough. That's a key. And secondly, when you get close enough to the next place, the next add on, the next addition to getting you to your purpose, to living that dream. And that's what I had to do, and I just I'm a simple person, I just said, you know what? You drive a vehicle, you punch in an address there, and then you press play and then you follow it. You trust it. You don't know who programmed that thing, what the satellite looks like or whether it works, or whether you're going to end up at the destination.
And God, Spirit, Life works the same way. I've asked and now I've punched in the address and off I go. And the next prompt will come, and it does! It really, really does. And if you can trust a GPS, that you do not know how it really works, again, you can trust that there's an inner GPS and that in your quiet moments, when you ask a question, the abundance of this universe cannot run out of answers for whatever you face and you will get the next step when it's due.
Karen: Yeah, absolutely. And as you build that trust, you feel more comfortable and more and more comfortable to listen to that. And it's okay. I always tell people, you know, because we do a lot of intuition work in Money On Purpose, to hear that silent voice, that very quiet voice that's inside of you that is always looking out for your best interests. And when you start to trust that and act on it, then you get like, okay, I can trust that. And I always say you don't even have to act on your intuition every time. If you even know, like, okay, my intuition tells me this, but my pro/con list tells me to do this other thing, and you follow the pro/con list, that's okay. But then at least you know, okay, hang on a second. But in this moment, I feel and I can see how my intuition was trying to guide me. And that is going to help you going forward. It's not a mistake.
Jan: Yes!
Karen: It's like you say, it's just a little twist and turn on the path. Another thing I want to just point out here from what you said is, you're starting with your own story. I think that that's also really helpful for people to hear because when you're going on a journey in your car and you put in the destination, it's that the destination needs to know where you're starting from, right? The GPS needs to know, okay, well, where are you right now?
So, if we can kind of use that little analogy of your own story. People can start with their own story, not only where are you right now in your life, but where did you come from you, you know what you talked about Jan, some of the hardships that you've gone through and the pain, and the things that you've had to go through in your life and how that actually plays a part in how you're helping people now. So that played a part in, how do I want to help people? Well, I've got this experience. I've got this life experience of things that weren't so nice in my life. And it's amazing at how much that can be used for going forward.
Before we started recording Jan was reminding me about how I used to talk about, and I'll talked about this in future episodes, I'll do a whole show about how I used to not be able to speak in public at all. It was just the worst! I've got some horrible cringe-worthy, I can laugh about them now, but horrible public speaking stories that I'll share as well. But I grew up very, very shy, very shy, and I couldn't use my voice. I was just such a quiet, shrinking person.
And that whole experience of mine really informs what I do today. It's helping people find their voice, helping people to overcome that shyness and to really say, I've got this to say in the world, I've got a message to give. I've got something to share and to feel confident enough to even create a whole career around that, a whole business around that, a whole lifestyle around that. So maybe, I don't know if you want to talk a little bit about where you've come from and how you integrate that into how you help people now.
Jan: It's so powerful. It'll be a pleasure. So, the stock-take point. That's where we have to really do some deep assessment in ourselves to see but where I'm coming from because we all have a story and we attach to the story. It becomes our identity. If you ask me when this journey started for me, who I was, I would have said to you I'm a depressed person. I drink it away, I snort it away, I do all sorts of things just to cope and I’m an outcast and a complete failure.
So our pain becomes our pleasure, but it cannot be transmuted into pleasure unless we are willing to go and look at whether A, It is true. There is a rule of the mind, again I go back to the work I do, the rule of the mind is whether something is true or not, whether it is real or not. Your mind simply takes it as the truth and it will execute it. I always look at the subconscious as an execution system, like a conveyor belt.
So we have to take stock, we have to look at those blocks, we have to look at them deeply and then ask the bigger question, is this true for me? And if you need to get help, get help, because the sooner you can change your perspective of the block and your old identity, the sooner, and I'm now going to use that beautiful word, you can turn s*** into fertilizer, I'm sorry Karen if I may not bleep it out, but nothing…
Karen: I'm going to have to put explicit on this one now, it's okay!
Jan: Good! Nothing can grow without that S, okay? And if we don't learn to make it fertilizer, then you know what? We're always going to have that story that keeps us small. And my story was just, I came from two well-meaning parents, from people with their own programming, and that programming goes into the child mind between the age zero to seven. And by seven, your identity is pretty much formed, and you find strategies to cope.
And they meant well. I couldn't, no child can think inductively. No child can reason, no child can question stuff. They take the parent as the truth. So, the meaning I gave to Jan is, you're not worthy, you're not lovable, you're not good enough. You’re unsafe in this world. You better look out for danger everywhere around you. Can you really trust people? And you probably don't belong, so you need to fight for your belonging.
And guess what? All of it was one big lie. And I'm never going to tell you that, you know, doing one therapy session you'll be healed, or one coaching journey and you'll be healed. But I'm telling you, when you start to question those things, where do I come from, and is it even true, and you learn to shift those paradigms. You start to understand your power. You see you co-create your reality.
And here's the good news: if you messed up by co-creating the wrong reality, it's not a sentence. You can go back and you can create with awareness and intuition, and being inductive in your thinking and questioning what you believe, a brand new beautiful reality. It just is what it is. I always say to my clients you know if it's true that we are made in the image of the master creator of this universe, it means something. It means that you co-create and if you understand the universe some more, you create differently. And that's our assignment in this world, to understand our power.
And it's not an egoistic thing, it's love. It's love. There's only two energies, love and fear. Marianne Williamson talks about this so often, and when you understand that love power in you, then there's no fight anymore, there's no comparison anymore, there's just giving away what you have. But if your dependency is on where you come from, then you're going to recreate that unconsciously and hold it in your hand and say, oh goodness, I cannot get away from it. And that's not true. That is not true, you are so empowered.
Karen: Absolutely! Yes, I just want to put a pin on this right here. I just want to make sure that we highlight this part about identity, like you said, like where you come from. It's important to understand where you come from. And often, I would say always, but I'll just say often, but that the gifts that you have to share, you're going to find them in your past. You're going to find them in your struggles. You're going to find them in what you thought was your identity, but isn't.
And you can create your own identity, you co-create that new identity. And I think that a lot of people get stuck in, well, this is just who I am. You know, like for me, it was, I am just a shy person. I grew up thinking I am just shy. All my teachers, you should read all of my report cards from kindergarten right up through grade school. Karen's just very shy. She's very quiet. She needs to open up a little bit.
You know, it's just, okay, I am a shy person. I was told I'm a shy person. I believe I'm a shy person. I created shyness for myself because it was a mechanism to help protect me. But if I hold on to that identity for the rest of my life, a shy person cannot make a podcast. A shy person cannot hold workshops to help people to unblock their creativity. A shy person can't speak in front of people. So you have to go, does this still serve me?
And I remember the moment I said that in, I was writing, I was journaling and I realized why I was shy. And it came up in my morning journaling. And I said, oh, okay, so this is why I'm shy. Okay. This is why I'm shy. So you would just take that as that's my identity. But because I was on a journey of healing and I wanted to create something new in my life and something more and something more fulfilling, I asked myself, am I going to keep this identity for the rest of my life and what would happen if I did?
Well, then I don't get to do what I want. I remember making a choice in that moment, like you just explained, making a choice in that moment that I am not going to hold on to this identity for the rest of my life. I don't want to be a shy person. I want to be different. So how do I do that? I don't know. And then I just did things to overcome that and to heal that, of course.
Jan: Yeah, that's a beautiful, beautiful story. And then exactly prior to this podcast, I reminded you, I had to remind you, because you remind me often of where I come from. It's amazing, we need to learn to positively stack and show the mind and show the body where we came from and how amazingly we did it and you see our beliefs. We make our beliefs and then our beliefs make us and that's a very important thing to understand.
Here I had to conquer every belief that I had about my identity and who I am and what was available to me. How small I was and how nobody loved me and long stories and you know, it comes with questioning: is this true what I believe and why do I even believe this? Where did I inherit it? You know, I always say we're living dead people's lives because that teacher is blissfully in her grave that said, oh Karen is shy, Jan is a dreamer, he struggles to focus.
What did I hear as a child when my mother opened that report because again, you know, and I believed I was stupid. I believed I was not intelligent enough, I couldn't study. Today it's all I do, is study. But you know the rebel in me has come out and boy, oh boy. I treasured that rebel, I rebel against conformity, I rebel against what people say is the truth. Unless I find it within myself, it's not my truth. It may be another person's truth, but it's not mine and that rebel started rebeling against these limitations, these blocks, these paradigms that I called my life.
And once I started to do that, life started changing and it created a physiological experience in me that couldn't forget, that I shifted a block. It used to be me, it's no longer me, it's not my identity. I'm sorry and when that story comes up and I start writing about my story that I tell myself, I quickly can now identify where I have the limiting beliefs. And then I question where they come from.
And if I need to, I am not shy, I'm one of those therapists and coaches that's more in therapy than my clients and more in coaching than my clients, because guess what? It's arrogant to think you do not need help. I don't want to go to somebody like that with my life and trusting my life to that person, because you see, we only have our own perspective and it's a journey to learn, to use our minds in our favor, and to unlearn stuff, to decondition what we thought was true for us, what we could do. Now I look at my clients and I can see the amazingness that they create within them, and I look at myself and I'm so grateful that I had that little rebel in me that said I will not accept this. I have this one life and if it cannot make meaning, I do not want to be here.
Karen: Thank you so much for sharing that, Jan. I know that the past is a place where we do have to go back to and connect with and heal. When you say that you have this part of you, this rebel that came up and said, I'm not going to just take this diagnosis. I'm not just going to take this lineage and say this is my life and this is who I am, and this is how I'm going to have to live my life. I am actually going to connect with something that is inside of me, this rebel inside of me, that says I want something different, I want to heal. And when we call upon healing, healing comes to us, it is a process.
Maybe we could talk a little bit about the process of healing because it's not just a mindset shift. It's not like, okay, I'm not shy anymore, now I want to be confident. I'm not depressed anymore, now I want to be, you know, happy, living life. How did you find the process of healing those dark thoughts, those feelings of really not wanting to live, not wanting to be here? What did that healing process look like for you?
Jan: So, for me personally it was understanding why. It was understanding why in the first place I have that belief why. You see we work with causality and effect, and everything has cause. If we can accept that and we can go to cause as quick as possible then the effect must change once we change the cause. And the cause is always a perspective. And the mind loves understanding. What it does not understand, it will not easily let go of, because then it's failing us, because its job is to protect us, to keep us safe, to prioritize us, and to give us joy.
So that process of healing is to find a new perspective, but you first need to find the root cause. There's different ways to do this. There's therapy and there's coaching and there's various kinds of therapy disciplines that you can use, but I love what I do because it works for me and it works for many people. But once you understand where you gave meaning, that your mind personalized as a belief about yourself, such as I am a shy person because every time my report card said I'm shy, I'm shy, I'm shy. So that must be true for me, and once you can see that that's not the truth it's just another perspective and you can change that perspective and you can heal that imprint by giving it new meaning. Essentially giving yourself new meaning.
Guess what? When the cause is positive, the effect will follow. And it's the body, when you're an adult, as a child you have a download, a dump of information that you write tests about and you score, and you make matric, and then you go to university. And it's all about understanding, and that's a cognitive thing, because all that data that you download, you understand, and you can use it.
But what drives the human experience is the belief about themselves, it's always personalized. So we have to change that personal belief to a new belief. And if you do it, the body has a physiological experience. It's a beautiful. It's like you energetically move forward. You have a new perspective, and that new perspective moves you forward. And as I said, there's various ways that you can do this to get this freedom.
But we must also remember one thing, and that is that the mind learns with repetition. I always say to people, if you affirm yourself as a wonderful speaker, Karen, and you don't go back to it, and you do not conquer the belief, and you do not give the body a new physiological experience, that yes, look at me now, you know I am this amazing person that can now, my voice can be heard right across the globe, and I'm now for all practical purposes, I'm a speaker. I speak to huge audiences .
And if you don't affirm that regularly to yourself, then the body will default back to the old pattern that says, you know, maybe I'm not. So it's really staying in the new language because the mind listens to what we say to and about ourselves 24/7 with no sense of humor.
So at the end of the day, I had to learn to affirm myself. And to this day, I affirm myself. My mind's listening to me. And so I just keep telling myself, when I walk into a busy place or I have to speak to a big audience and those old things come back up, I just say, you know what, I belong wherever I go. I have a message, I touch hearts, I have people.
The other day I worked with a group of doctors and scientists and you know basically a room full of PhDs for two days and when I went into the workshop I felt that feeling coming up, oh am I worthy of speaking to these clever people, because remember my old imprint was you′re stupid Jan. I just started affirming myself and it didn't take very long to take people out of their left brains into their right brains and to get complete cooperation, a lot of tears, a lot of laughter, a lot of new experiences and a lot of emails afterwards saying thank you, you showed me something about me that I was blissfully unaware of.
So it's so, so good to learn to affirm ourselves and remember every word we speak, every thought we think is an affirmation to the mind. So the more intentional and more conscious we start to affirm ourselves, the more the body will take that identity and say okay, this is who you are now. And when you believe it, you will live it.
Karen: Yeah, and what I've found with my own healing and what we do in Money On Purpose with the healing process is when you state that affirmation, when you say, okay, I am a confident person, I am self-confident, I can speak in front of people, what it's going to do is it's also going to kind of trigger and stab those places that say, no, you're not. No, you're not, you're shy, you're this. So it pulls those things up.
The affirmations are really powerful tools to help you pull from deep inside those places that where your mind, your belief system is holding on to this belief, no, no Karen, you're shy. And it's like, okay, let's go deeper into that. And so what we do in Money On Purpose is we actually connect with the place where that original belief is sitting and for me it was when I was a little girl. So I'm connecting with my very young self and she's saying, no, I have to be shy, I have to be shy. And I'm like, you don't have to be shy. Let's talk about that, but tell me how you feel.
And so it's really allowing the very young self to express how they're feeling, all those fears, those limiting beliefs, those blocks that just kind of make us feel like we’ve got to get all armored up and gently allowing that to come to the surface, not to push it down further and further, but let it come to the surface that you can then start reprogramming.
Like you say, it's like a reprogramming of your mind, but the reprogramming is so much easier when you've allowed the other old stuff to come to the surface and to be cleaned out, to really get that root cause up. And understanding is so important. Like, oh, I understand why I'm so shy now. I understand that every time I opened my mouth, I got teased or whatever. And so I understand that, but I'm still shy and I'm still scared to open my mouth. But the more I connected with that original place, that deep down place from when I was very little, and the more I sent love and compassion to that place, the easier it was for me to believe in something different for myself, that we don't have to keep this up. We can actually, you can do what you want to do with your life, you don't have to hold on to this old identity anymore.
Jan: Beautiful, and you know what? Accepting that child because unconsciously we start to criticize that child. I said to that child unconsciously, you know what, you're not worth it, you're not enough and you'll never be. You don't belong, nobody loves you. It was my unconscious language that cursed that child even more. And accepting that child is so important. And to change our language following that acceptance of that child, because we unconsciously become the critic of that child. And you know that inner child will kick up a storm and get your attention in whatever form and way they need to. Because what does a child want? They want acceptance. They want positive attention, they do not like negative attention. Negative attention and no attention to a child is an existential trauma.
I studied childhood psychology, studied childhood trauma and that first seven years is the make or break stage of every child. So I encourage every parent on this platform that listens to this to go and love your children. And that doesn't mean you're going to disagree with them, but love is respectful and it's accountable. It's okay for parents to say to kids, you know what, I don't know everything and I've made a mistake and I'm so sorry honey, it's not personal to you. You will always be loved and if you make a mistake I don't cancel you as a wonderful being. You know, we need to work with our inner children because installing the inner child, accepting that inner child and nurturing that inner child will make you powerful.
That's part of the healing process, and like you say in Money On Purpose, it's questioning what I believe, why, and then see that little scared girl. Why are you shy? Now I'm shy because I was mocked as a little girl. To me, mocking as a little girl at the age of five and six, that means something to me. It's a trauma to me. It means my voice does not count. I do not have a voice. And then questioning that, is it true? No, you have a voice, and your voice matters. And I love you for who you are, and I love it when you speak to me. You need to allow that child the acceptance that they need.
It's even scriptural. If you go back to Scriptures, there's so much research on the inner child that you can go and read up on. That child is the power, that's the gift that God gave this world. And that child deserves love. They deserve to feel worth it. They deserve to feel a sense of belonging. They deserve to make mistakes, to learn from them. They deserve to learn how to be accountable and to not give up on themselves and not associate their identity with their mistakes, which is unconsciously the message that so many well-meaning parents are driving through not being accountable and saying to the child, I also don't know. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry if you took it that way.
We speak to babies in googoo-gaga language. My sister has a one-year-old and that child and I have a big part because I speak to him like he's a human. I respect him and he loves me and I love him. And when he does something wrong, I will chat to him about it. And that's obviously my gift to test my theories on. And I can see that little boy prospering. Beautiful soul.
Karen: Yeah, and when you say love your child, just love those little children and love your inner child, your very young self. What that means to me is love them unconditionally, allow them to be who they are with their mistakes, with their sadness/ I know when I was little, I was always sad. I was always crying. Sorry, I wasn't always sad, but I was often crying when I was little. I had good days too, but I just remember when I first connected with my inner child when I was an adult I didn't want to look at her. I'm like, I don't want to see you. You're always crying, you're always sad. Yeah, I don't want to, you're too shy. Just get away. I want something different and that disconnect of like, really, it was like such a conditional love for my inner child. It's like no, I don't love you because of who you are and it's when I learned how to connect with her and listen to her sadness and listen to her fears and all of those things, that aspect of myself started to feel I'm loved no matter what, even though I'm shy, even though I'm sad, even though I don't feel like I'm good enough, or whatever it is.
And so when you give that to your children, when you give that to your inner child of unconditional love, I accept you for the way you're feeling, for anything that's going on, it's all okay. That is what healing is. That is the kind of healing that allows us to move forth in this world, doing the kind of work we want to do, making the kind of impact we want to make, letting go of the limitations that we've put on ourselves all of our life, and allowing ourselves to really just manifest things that we never dreamed of before because all of a sudden we're like, oh, you know what? I feel worthy of this. I feel worthy of better things, of greater things. I feel worthy of helping other people. I've got something to give this world.
Jan: Exactly, exactly that. Well said, Karen, I could almost say amen on it. Because, you know, accepting that child, accepting that younger version of you for who they are, will bring out the potential in the future. That acceptance, everyone looks for it in a partner, in society, in our workplaces. We look for acceptance, but other people cannot accept us. It's our job to accept ourselves.
Karen: And we are so tough on ourselves. We need to learn how to be more gentle and accepting with ourselves.
Jan: Yes, be kind to yourself. I always say to people, my first words with every new client walking into this office, for whatever reason, be it just a course that they're doing or therapy or coaching, life coaching, corporate coaching, whatever it is that they come to journey with me on, I always say I'm here to love you. I cannot judge you and help you to create a better life. So if you feel judged, please tell me. I can correct it because it's not my job to judge you.
If I judge you it's because I judge myself. It's the only reason. Because I can only give to you what is inside me. That self-loathing, self-judgment, inner critic, peanut gallery, call it what you want, we have to stop that. Because you cannot love and hate yourself at the same time. You have to make a choice to love yourself. And once you love yourself, then the body that speaks the mind will start getting healthier. You will start loving your dreams. You will start rambling against stuff that you believe to question deeply and with a lot of love and then life just opens up in the most beautiful, beautiful new way. It's magic. It's absolute magic.
Karen: It is it is magic and I love to see how our healing journeys are built into our creation journeys. So like when you say, okay, I want to become a life coach, yeah, I remember the day you said that, I want to become a life coach, I want to leave banking and become a life coach. And I remember for myself saying I want to do something different, I want to leave corporate and go live in Africa and whatever that meant at the time, I wasn't quite sure.
But as soon as you say something bigger, like, oh, I don't know how I'm going to do this, but as soon as you connect with these bigger dreams for yourself, it actually kicks in the healing process. So it's built in to manifesting. Manifesting is healing and healing is manifesting is what I say. Creating is healing.
It's like when you want to manifest or create something new for yourself, you are going to be turning on the switch of healing and all that's standing in your way is going to, you're going to actually engage in a dance of going for your dreams and healing the things that are standing in the way. And it's miraculous the way life sets that up. It's just incredible how we don't have to worry about, well, how am I going to heal all this stuff? How am I going to heal these limiting beliefs of mine? Don't worry, life knows how to do that. Source knows how to do that, just say what you want.
Go for that thing even if it’s messy and sloppy, as it's going to be, because it's going to be messy at first. Go for that thing. And as you walk that road, you will be given the things that are ready to be healed, the limiting beliefs that are ready to be released from you so that you can go live that life, that new life, that more fulfilling life.
Jan, I want to thank you so much for being here. Is there anything that you want to share before we kind of wrap things up? Is there anything else you want to make sure that people know and that's just in your heart right now that you'd like to share with everybody?
Jan: Exactly, I can so agree. Thank you, Karen. Just one last little bit. We cannot outperform our self-esteem. We can improve it, but we cannot outperform it. And so I want to encourage everyone in this audience to believe in yourself, to love yourself, to accept that healing and manifestation is counterparts, it's just two sides of the same coin. And it's a beautiful process.
You do not have to be scared, and I want to encourage you to reach out, to conquer those things that you limit yourself by. Question those beliefs and rebel against the belief in a positive way. I mean rebel against it, question, ask the deeper question and accept out, reach out.
And here's a beautiful, beautiful person that I know for many years already, and the Money On Purpose course will help you prosper, but it will bring up your beliefs. I remember back in the day when I said those words that Karen just said, I want to become a coach. Little did I know! But it is so worth it. All the stuff that comes up for healing is absolutely worth it and you are meant to live a significant, meaningful life. You are meant to take your gift that's unique to you and monetize it and live a life that makes meaning.
Thank you so much for having me, listening to our stories. And Karen, thank you so much and congratulations with this beautiful podcast. And for letting your gift reach so many hearts. Thank you for being here.
Karen: Thank you Jan so much, for joining me today, and for being brave and going for your big dream of becoming a coach and helping others. You healed your money blocks, and you fully embraced your life's purpose and you are such a force for good in the world, I'm so grateful for you.
Thank you everyone for joining Jan and me. We hope you'll hop onto the waitlist for the upcoming Money On Purpose journey starting in April. Because when you heal your money blocks and step into your life's purpose, you become a force for good in the world. I'll see you next time.
If you’re ready to start creating the lifestyle of your dreams, I want to invite you to join GPS, my Gratitude Practice for Success program where you’ll learn my unique and proven manifesting process. It’s simple, it’s powerful, and it’s already helping hundreds of people go from thinking their dreams were impossible, to making them happen quickly. Whether you want to manifest your dream home, your soulmate, a brand new career living your life’s purpose, or even financial freedom, it’s yours to claim now. Just head over to and I will show you how.