Make Money Living Your Purpose PODCAST
March 13, 2024

15. When Should You Hire A Coach?

15. When Should You Hire A Coach?

What do top athletes, high-level corporate executives and leaders, and people who are serious about their personal growth, have in common?

They hire a coach.

Today I′m exploring a topic that some of us find quite difficult, namely when do you ask for help? High achievers are so good at getting things done, but what happens if you get stuck and can′t move forward because your blocks keeping getting in the way?

I want to reassure you that you don’t have to struggle alone, and that it’s okay to ask for help and get the support you need. Sometimes being cared for, prompted, and held accountable is just what it takes to unlock our creativity, unleash our fire, and help us get things done.

In today’s episode I share three scenarios when it would be a great time to consider one-on-one coaching. (I think you just might be delighted by the third one!) And then I share two scenarios where it might not actually be the best time to hire a private coach. 

I also talk about situations where a group/peer setting might be more conducive to unlocking the magic for you, rather than getting one-to-one support. I offer my thoughts on this and hopefully it helps you to sift through what kinds of support would work best for you, as you navigate your journey to your most amazing lifestyle. 

Finding the support I need has always been a gamechanger for me. I love hiring  coaches to help me get specific projects done. In fact, you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast if it wasn’t for the invaluable help that my coach gave me. So join me and let′s explore when, why, and what kind of coaching could work best for you.

Resources mentioned:

Breakthrough Session

Impact Acceleration Coaching Program

Ready to start manifesting the lifestyle of your dreams? Join my self-study program, Gratitude Practice for Success TODAY and get instant access to my unique and proven manifesting process: JOIN GPS


Ep #15: When should you hire a coach?

Welcome to the Make Money Living Your Purpose Podcast. I′m Prosperity Coach Karen Powell and this is the podcast for heart-centred leaders, innovators and creatives who dream of leaving their nine-to-five to pursue their passion-project, but don′t know where to start. I′m sharing my proven process that will help you heal your money mindset and figure out your own unique purpose in life. Let′s go!

Hey there, welcome to episode 15. It's so good to be here with you. I love our time together. I just got an email from someone who was saying how much she looks forward to listening to the new episode every week. She says, ″Karen, Wednesdays have officially become my favorite day of the week. I get inspired before I face the world and it's changing my life. It allows me to think of my own dreams.″ 

Gosh, do you know how happy that makes me? That is exactly why I'm producing these episodes every week, so you can change your life step-by-step to a life that really reflects your own dreams. You can create the kind of lifestyle that feels like you, the real authentic you, living your dreams, feeling amazing while you're doing it, and creating a positive impact in the world, being the force for good that you are and sharing that out into the world. 

Thank you for your feedback, I've been getting a lot of really beautiful feedback and comments from so many people and I really appreciate that so much. I really appreciate you listening to the show, being here with me, and wanting to grow and learn and create more beauty in this world.

One of my favorite quotes is by Eleanor Roosevelt. She says, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” And that's how I see our dreams, that they are beautiful. And I also feel like they're sacred, that they really come from a deep, special, sacred place within us. And I always feel so honored and privileged to work with people to help them bring their beautiful dreams up and out into the world. 

And this is actually what I want to talk about today. And that is working closely with people to help them realize their dreams and their goals to actually make them happen. That is so fulfilling. You can imagine helping people create something that wasn't there before, helping people create something out of thin air. It's so cool, so amazing, such a privilege. 

So, the topic of today's show is about working closely with a coach. What that's like having someone so dialled into you and wanting only the best for you and seeing you in a way that you probably don't even see yourself yet and supporting you in a way that helps you build strength and resilience. And I wanted to kind of dissect the coaching process so that you can see if it makes sense for you to work with a coach to help you realize your dreams and to kind of figure out for yourself when is it the best time to work one-on-one with a coach, or when is the best time to maybe get support in a group coaching setting, like joining a group program. 

The two are different and I wanted to give you my thoughts on this and help you kind of sift through what kinds of support would work best for you as you navigate your journey to your most amazing lifestyle. 

I've experienced both kinds of support myself. I hire coaches to help me and I join group programs where there's one coach who supports many people at once, like on group Zoom calls. And I also offer both kinds of support in my own coaching practice. I offer private one-to-one coaching and I also have programs where I offer group coaching calls with many people on the call at once. I wanted to offer my perspective, my thoughts, my experience with these different kinds of containers of support in the hopes of helping you to get the kind of support that you're needing next. Because, depending on where we are in our journeys, we can benefit from different kinds of support. 

Sometimes working one-on-one privately with a coach can be one of the most supportive, powerful things you can do to accelerate yourself forward into creating incredible things in your life. And there are other times when working one on one with someone is actually not the best thing you can do for yourself, where a group setting would be more supportive for where you are at. I wanted to give you my perspective on the different kinds of coaching containers and hopefully help you make the best decision for yourself and where you are right now on your own creative journey. 

So with myself, I have joined many group programs where there is minimal contact with the creator of the program, and it turned out to be exactly what I needed at that time. I joined as many of the group coaching calls that I could, and I learned from others being coached, and I also raised my hand to get support on group calls as well. I would say that joining group programs adds a richness that private coaching doesn't, in that you can hear from so many different perspectives and experiences.

And often I would see myself in others who were sharing their stories, and I could get answers to my problems or challenges by seeing my problems or challenges in those of others. It's kind of a low risk, low exposure way of moving forward. It definitely has its place. But the times when I decided to get more intense private coaching one on one was when I found myself circling around to the same issues, not getting clarity, feeling stuck, feeling confused and feeling overwhelmed. 

For example, I actually tried to launch my podcast in 2022. We're in 2024 now at the time of this recording. I joined a group program, actually an amazing program that had all the pieces that I needed to create my podcast. So good, such a great program. I worked through it, I joined the Facebook group for it, I attended the group calls. I was moving forward, taking the steps that I needed to. But time just kept moving along and I was working through the lessons, I was implementing what I could. But as things became difficult, I would slip away without even realizing it. Other things in my life moved in and the podcast lost its priority. And my progress just kind of slowly rolled along. 

So, 2022 ended, no podcast to launch yet. 2023 came along and I continued moving through the program, but again, as things got difficult, I lost momentum. I began to feel that stuck feeling. I began to feel overwhelmed. I wondered if I had what it takes personally to pull this off and I could feel myself stalling and losing faith in myself. So even though I had all the tools, I was coming up against some internal blocks and fears. And because I didn't have someone holding me accountable, I unknowingly, like, I didn't really realize what was happening, but I unknowingly slowed my progress way down because I was feeling uncomfortable. 

And as 2023 plugged away, I'm looking at my yearly planner and my quarterly planners and the podcast launch just kept getting shifted and the can kept getting kicked down the road because the podcast no longer had priority because there were all these other things that were “important” to do. But they weren't as difficult. They didn't take me out of my comfort zone. I found myself giving them my time because it was just easier to do those things.

Then I'm looking again at each quarter wondering when am I actually going to launch my podcast? I think it was around October or November or so when I finally got tired of kidding myself that I would actually get this done on my own. And I hired a coach to specifically work with me to launch my podcast in 90 days in February of 2024. This is after the Christmas holidays and all of that. 

I had a specific goal with a specific timeframe, and I know myself very well. I know that when I have someone waiting for me to give them an answer about something, I will deliver that answer when I'm supposed to. I know that if I have to be accountable to someone, I take that seriously. If I need to just be accountable to myself and it's with something that is taking me out of my comfort zone, then I know myself, I will not take it as seriously.

It's like when I do yoga. If I pay for a class that meets at a specific time, I will go to that class each week. If I say, oh, I'll just do some free yoga online, I'm probably not going to show up to that online class. I know myself. Maybe I'll go to one or two, but then I'll find something else that feels easier like reading a magazine or watching TV or scrolling on Instagram or whatever. 

When I started working with my coach in October, November last year, we mapped out how this was going to go down. What did I need to plan out each month, each week, each day in order to be ready to launch my podcast on February 7th. And mind you, I also had three people coming in and staying with us over the Christmas holidays. And we were all going to be traveling and spending time with family and friends over December and January. So, the crunch was on when I got back.

My coach created some deadlines for me to record my first couple of episodes before I left in December, which I wouldn't have done on my own I can promise you that. And then she also created some deadlines around what would need to be done in January when I returned.

I can remember saying several times to her: “I don't know how I'm going to get all this done. I don't know how I'm going to get all this done to launch in February.” And she would say, “You'll do it. When we're under pressure, we find a way to get stuff done.” And, as you know, I launched on February 7th and I am 100% sure that had I not hired a coach to hold me accountable to this project, I would have moved it further into 2024 and I would still be kicking that can down the road. I'm sure of it.

When you have a specific project that you want to complete by a specific date or in a specific timeframe, hiring a coach who can help you stay accountable, plan out your strategy and your action steps and support you when things get tough. And they will whenever we do something that we've never done before. Hiring a coach is so valuable. It's a matter of moving forward or staying stuck really. 

Now another instance where you might like to consider hiring a coach is when you're experiencing a specific stumbling block or challenge or recurring pattern over and over and you can't figure out how to get around it. You feel like you've tried everything. You feel like you've really dealt with the issue so many times in so many ways and you just can't understand why it's still around or why it still keeps coming around. 

There are certain challenges or recurring patterns in our lives that are so difficult to see from only our one perspective. It's like looking at something from one angle and there's another side that's just not in our line of sight. And it doesn't matter how hard or intensely we look, the angle we're at will just never reveal the other side. So we need someone else to tell us what they see from the other side or the other angle. 

Let me give you an example of this. Back in my late 20s, early 30s, I was on a journey of self discovery, let's call it. And I was reading all the books. All the self -help books. I was getting all the theory. I really believed that I was understanding all the things about healing and becoming more self-aware and how to be a better person and all those things you read about in self-help books. 

But I was still making the same mistakes over and over again in my personal life. So, I hired a coach to help me see what I wasn't seeing. Why was I finding myself inside the same patterns, the same situations, the same dramas over and over, when I understood all the theory of how to live a fulfilling life? 

And this coach showed me what I wasn't seeing. And it will be difficult because I wouldn't have gone to those places myself. I would have skirted around them because they were uncomfortable. But she created a safe, supportive space that had a specific goal in mind and that allowed me to have the courage to look at things from another perspective that I couldn't have done on my own. You know, it's easy to run from yourself, but you can't run away from someone you've paid good money to and they're holding that specific space for you. Well, you can run away, but it's harder to. 

And then another instance, where it's really beneficial to consider hiring a coach is because you just need someone else besides yourself to care about you and your project or the season you're in. It can feel very lonely to step into unchartered territory. Even people who love us dearly don't always understand why something can be so important to us. You might have a project or be in a specific season of your life that feels very significant, but it's hard to convey that to a loved one or to a close friend. They care about you, but they've got their own stuff going on, they can't give you the full attention that would feel really supportive right now. 

A coach is someone who will walk with you, hold your hand, help you through the tough times, celebrate your progress with you, show you how much courage you do actually have and not judge you when sometimes you lose that courage or lose that belief in yourself. We are not meant to do these hard things alone. We are meant to be supported by others. And sometimes that means paying someone to support us and create parameters around that support and be very specific on what we need. And that's okay. In fact, it's really powerful when you're intentional and specific on what kind of support you need.

Okay, so I've shared some of the instances when it would be really supportive and effective to hire a coach to work with you privately one on one. Number one was when you have a specific goal or project that you want to complete within a specific timeframe. The second one was when you feel stuck or overwhelmed or when you feel like you've been circling back to the same issues or patterns and you can't see how to get out of them, a coach will offer another perspective that you don't as an individual have access to. And then thirdly, when you just need someone else besides yourself to care about you and or your project, just realizing that we're not supposed to do hard things alone. We are actually designed to get support and be supported by others. I mean, we have people in our lives who love us and care about us, but they've got their own stuff going on. They might support you, but it might show up in sporadic ways or not entirely the way that you would hope for or need during that specific season in your life. 

Then there are times when hiring a private coach really wouldn't be the best move for you. And I want to share my thoughts about this as well. Of course, it's always up to you when, why, if you want to hire a coach. You can have your own reasons and that's good enough. I'm not telling you what to do, or what not to do. But what I do want to do is share a couple of thoughts about when it probably wouldn't be the best investment of your time or your money to hire a coach. 

The first one is that if you're not really feeling any urgency to complete something, a specific project. Because no matter what deadlines or accountability your coach sets up for you, if you don't feel a sense of urgency to complete something, then you'll find ways to get out of the deadlines. I mean, a coach can't force you to do anything, so if you're feeling a little ho-hum about something, then maybe rather explore why it's even on your agenda. It might have already passed its sell-by date, and it's not even something that you really want to do anymore. So it could be a waste of time and energy and money to kind of just go through the motions with a coach. 

And then another reason to think twice about hiring a coach would be if you're expecting the coach to solve your problems. A coach doesn't solve problems, but rather helps you discover your ability to find solutions. A coach helps you see your role in your circumstances and helps equip you with the tools and the processes for becoming self-sufficient. A good coach is specifically creating the best environment possible for you to succeed and that just feels so amazing, especially in a nice, long, like three- or six-month container. Or some coaches offer a full year of coaching. 

There's lots of different kinds of coaching containers, but at least three months of consistent and intentional coaching is just so luxurious. It just feels so luxurious to have one person focused on your wellbeing and on the projects and issues that are important to you.

I was just on a call yesterday with a client who I'm coaching and she was saying how having a coach feels like climbing up a mountain with a Sherpa who is carrying all the equipment you need and the map and they've got the stamina and the water and they know when and where to rest and they know where there are going to be challenges on the path because they've been there before. They just make you feel safe while you're doing something that you've never done before because they've climbed that mountain a hundred different ways with other people, and on their own. They know what kind of support you need, and they know how to give you that support.

So, do you have one or more of these situations going on in your life right now? A specific project or deadline that you need someone to hold you accountable for? Or are you feeling stuck or experiencing recurring patterns and can't see what you can't see? You need another fresh perspective.

Or do you just need some clarity, support and caring? I would even go so far as to say, love. I've worked with coaches who I really felt they loved me. They cared about me. And let's face it, that just feels so good to feel like someone has your back. They want the very best for you. They want you to succeed. They're there to do everything they can to help you succeed.

There are lots of different kinds of coaches in the world now. You can get very specific these days on the kind of support that you need, whether it's losing weight, or writing your book, or creating an online business, or launching a podcast or advancing in your particular field. Whatever it is, there is support for you and you do not have to do any of this alone. So, what are you doing to get the support you need?

Maybe you type into Google right now the specific kind of coach you need and see what pops up. There's lots of different coaches offering discovery calls where you can meet them on Zoom and ask any questions and just get a feel if they're a good fit for you before you hire them. 

And of course, I'm a coach and I offer two different ways to work with me privately. One is my 75-minute Breakthrough Session which is just one session to help you get clarity on what's been holding you back and clarity on what it is you really want. And then I set you up with specific action steps to execute. The Breakthrough Sessions are designed to give you a significant breakthrough, meaning like a launch pad so that you can really get clear on your next move and get motivated into your next action steps.

And then the other way to work privately with me is in a 90-day container in my Impact Acceleration Coaching Program where you and I work very closely together for three months on a specific goal or project that you have. We map out a clear game plan with specific action steps and we literally bring your vision to life. So fun, so powerful.

I only offer my 90-day coaching container to members of my Money On Purpose community because we use the tools and processes that I teach in the Money On Purpose program. So, if you're in Money On Purpose, there's an application on the Impact Acceleration Coaching Program page on my website to fill out if you would like to apply to work privately with me. 

And if you're not in Money On Purpose, then if you wanted to get coached by me privately for 90 days, you would also be joining Money on Purpose and getting lifetime access to that program as well. You can find all the info on working with me one-on-one on my website at and just go to the coaching tab to find the two different options. 

All right, thank you so much for being here today. Thank you for dreaming big. This world needs your big dreams to come to life. This world needs you to clear out the blocks that have been keeping you from fully engaging in what it is you want to do. Because when you heal your blocks and step into your purpose, you become a force for good in this world. I'll see you next time.

If you’re ready to start creating the lifestyle of your dreams, I want to invite you to join GPS, my Gratitude Practice for Success program where you’ll learn my unique and proven manifesting process. It’s simple, it’s powerful, and it’s already helping hundreds of people go from thinking their dreams were impossible, to making them happen quickly. Whether you want to manifest your dream home, your soulmate, a brand-new career living your life’s purpose, or even financial freedom, it’s yours to claim now. Just head over to and I will show you how.